Star Student Awards

tar Students for the Fortnight

( Week 9 and Week 10 ) 



Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Aryan Chandran for his excellent participation in the different activities on the excursion to Bendigo. You had a big smile on your face all day! Well done Aryan. 

Porsche Bear for doing such a great job with his addition in maths. 

Well done Porsche, keep up the great work!

Mrs Wardle:

Anei Padual for always being his kind and considerate self. 

You are such a lovely friend in our classroom.

Thank you, Anei. 

Evelyn Anil for always doing her best with all learning activities. 

Well done, Evelyn!

Mrs Weber:

Creed Prouse for being such a fabulous participant at our excursion to Bendigo. Awesome work Creed!

Grace Di Clemente for always offering to help out in the classroom. 

Thanks Grace, we appreciate you!

Mr Maskell:

Kevin for trying his best to solve addition and subtraction problems. 

Penelope Corbo for trying her best during her writing and also 

improving her reading fluency. 

Mrs Nicholson:

Abylani Liu for being a great role model in the class and for 

always trying her best with her work.  

Well done Abylani!

Sayul Fernando for working well researching about a planet and 

contributing ideas for spelling words.  

Keep up the great work Sayul.

Mrs Drummond:

Aden Kuttikkeril Renjith for working extra hard to improve his reading skills. 

Keep up the great work! 

Savannah Colbert for doing a great job with her research about her planet. 

Well done.  

Mr Andronaco:

Xander Casayuran for working hard during his writing lessons and 

improving his spelling. 

Lucy Clark for continuing to do a great job in her rocket writing. 

Keep working hard!



Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Ainsley Sargeant for your wonderful information report about turtles. 

You did some wonderful research and presented it in an fantastic brochure. 

Well done, Ainsley. 

Bernice Madamba for your excellent keynote on jellyfish. 

You used new skills and challenged yourself. 

Fantastic work, Bernice!

Mrs Anderson:

Tanicia McLennan for the work you have put into research and presentation on Stingrays. Your Keynote is looking great. 

Keep up the great work Tanicia.

Aubrey Orr for your amazing work on Whales. 

Your persistence and learning in using Keynote has been fantastic.

 Well Done, Aubrey!

Mr O'Hara:

Manuella Lubadi for working hard to research about Polar Bears to 

create an engaging informative poster. 

Keep it up Manuella!

Harshjot Kaur for putting in all her effort into everything she does. 

Great work Harshjot!

Mrs Dainton:

Maryanne  for her consistent efforts in Writing and Spelling. 

Her attention to detail in her grammar and punctuation are always of the highest quality.

Well Done Maryanne!

Bernie for his consistent approach to all areas of the curriculum. 

He is friendly and always helpful in the classroom.

Mr Howley:

Chol for his hard work on improving his spelling this term. 

Chol searched and found facts about the Bottle Nosed Dolphin.

Addisyn for her ability to complete learning tasks. 

Addisyn has recorded excellent responses to our novel.


Senior Years

Mr Lindon:


Mr Beks:

Alice West for giving things a go and being respectful and happy in class.

Great effort Alice.

Taylian McGee has been a great helper in the class and has been responsible, respectful and always tries her best.  


Mr Poppa:

Imogen Sargent for being such an excellent learner,

 willing to give new things a go and being so organised. 


Nick Sharma for trying his best and working hard to solve maths problems, 

using unique strategies.  

Well done.

Mr Searle:

Ridhi Chandwani - Ridhi has consistently shown all of our class values, being respectful, being responsible and being her best during all of our lessons. 

Great work Ridhi!


Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Cristiano Spadaro for coming to school with a smile and positive attitude. 

You are a productive and helpful member of our classroom. 

Keep up the great work Cristiano!

Hattie Dickins for her leadership and commitment to the Catholic Identity Organisation and assisting Mrs. Pellegrino in the St Vinnies Appeal.