Grade 3-6:

Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 have had an exciting 2 weeks at Waverley Meadows Primary School. Each class was able to finish reading “The BFG” and we were lucky enough to watch the movie all together earlier this week. The Grade 3-6 students have been working very well during the study of this mentor text, and it was nice to reward them with being able to watch the movie all together. Each class was able to have very interesting conversations in the classroom regarding the similarities and differences between both the book and the movie. Overall, students have thoroughly enjoyed reading this mentor text and the feedback from the students have been very positive.
Grades 3 – 6 have started working on their classes Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) Projects during the past week. The Grade 3/4A class, Grade 4/5A class and the Grade 5/6A class have been having lots of fun working on their Maths projects. Each class has enjoyed working together and being creative in their mathematical thinking.
What is the Maths Talent Quest:
The Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) is an annual activity aimed at promoting interest in mathematics and fostering positive attitudes amongst students, teachers and parents. The focus of the MTQ is on the process of mathematical investigations and relating mathematics to everyday life.
Some of the Maths topics that we will be focusing on at Waverley Meadows Primary School in 2024:
- Measurement
- Time
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Geometry
- Statistics
- Fractions
- Decimal numbers
- Money
3/4 Inquisitive Minds Projects
The past 3 weeks the Year 3/4 students have been doing their major project on the design cycle. To make the projects more purposeful we decided we'd have real life clients that they'd make something for. We started by interviewing the F/1A class and then from their interests the students set about making the toy for their client.
We had lots of cardboard bought in and the ideas flowed and construction took off. The students did an amazing job bringing their ideas to life. On Monday in week 11 we returned to F/1A and shared their projects with their clients. There were lots of smiles and happy faces as the students played with their new toys! A great effort by the 3/4's!
Grade 3/4 Science Works Excursion:
-Personal Reflection by Viraat and Grace (Grade 3/4A).
Both Grace and I really enjoyed the Science Works excursion on Monday the 17th of June. There were so many fun activities to do at this place, some of them included: The Cool Stuff Experiments, Design Your Future Self, Design Your Future Car, The Sports Section, The Running Race, The Teleporter, Soccer Virtual Goalie, Create Your Environmentally Sustainable House, and the Vibrating Chairs. There was so much to do at Science Works, and it was so much fun being there with all my friends.
My favourite (Viraat's) activity was The Cricket, this was because I was able to decide if the virtual person was either out or not out. My favourite (Grace's) activity was The Netball because I was able to practice my shooting skills and have a go at shooting in the ring. Overall, this excursion was so much fun, and it was really educational as well. We were able to learn all about solids, liquids, and gases. We were also very thankful that Leonard’s dad and Viraat's mum were able to volunteer to come on the excursion with us. Overall, it was an amazing day and we were very fortunate to have our teachers, Mr Noordoff and Mr Williamson there with us.
Farewell to Emily Pikines in Grade 4/5A
We wish Emily all the best as she is sadly leaving us on the last day of Term 2, and is moving to Pakenham Hills Primary School commencing in Term 3. Emily has had an amazing 5 and half years here at Waverley Meadows Primary School and has been able to form some lifelong friendships.
Emily has been one of the Senior Representative Council members for Grade 5 this year, and she should be extremely proud of her leadership skills that she has displayed. The Grade 4/5A classroom are going to miss her a lot during the next semester, and we wish her all the best at her new school.