Around the School

STORYTIME - Tuesdays at 3:10pm
Kat Reade who has taken on the Library role this year has graciously organised and offered an opportunity for preschoolers on a Tuesday afternoon. She will be holding a Story Time session at 3:10pm in the Zen Zone classroom each week. Friends of toddlers are also welcome.
YR 5 /6 Excursion- Imax & Melbourne Museum
On Wednesday at 9:00am the 5/6s set off on a journey to The Melbourne Museum and IMAX. We made our way to Windsor Station on foot. We were all super excited that the journey had started. The train stopped at Richmond and we were all excited when we saw the sporting grounds but we were in public so we had to be quiet and we tried not to make a ruckus. At Parliament station, we didn't notice how far down we were in the tunnel until we went on a GIANT escalator to the street level exit. The walk to IMAX was very beautiful through the gardens, with the autumn leaves displaying beautiful colours.
Written by Sienna, Hikaru, Mia
We headed down to the IMAX theatre to watch ‘Extreme Weather’. To get down to the lobby, we had to travel on a long escalator for the second time. (although it wasn’t as long as the other one!) The screen was giant! It was 23 metres high and 32 metres wide. The sound system was also very loud, which caused the seats to vibrate which gave the documentary more of a realistic effect. We learnt so many new things about the detrimental impacts of climate change and extreme weather. Tornados, collapsing glaciers and bushfires, I wonder what we can do to help? Did you know that in Alaska, the glaciers are melting- glaciers are giant rivers of ice that slowly melt away, but the problem is they’re melting too fast, and causing a change in the atmosphere.
Written by Amy, Ava, Jemima, Olive
After the IMAX cinema, we went to the gardens that are surrounding the Exhibition Building. There we had recess, which was well needed, but unfortunately there were some birds swooping and wanting our food. We then walked to a drawing spot in front of a fountain, (which had been there since 1880) sat down on the grass, and drew the landscape surrounding us. We then moved to a different drawing location where there were many artefacts on the grass from the Colonial Mutual Life Building that was demolished in 1960. I wonder why the building was demolished?
Written by Ava, Samuel, Anna S.
After a relaxing lunch in the gardens, we went to the dynamic Earth section of the Melbourne Museum. We saw a display of crystals. Some ordinary crystals have minerals in them that glow neon colours under the ultraviolet light. This is called fluorescence. We learnt about the different stages of Earth. Over the years it gradually evolved from that dry crusty musty planet to the world we live in today. Apparently, in 100,000,000 years Australia will have collided with Asia and be pushed up to the equator. There was also a very popular scale that everyone was using. It measured your weight in pure gold. It said that I was worth 8 bars of gold which was equivalent to 1.6M dollars.
Written by Olivia, Huy, Isaac, Nick
After an eventful day of fun activities we took a long walk through the city to the tram that took us home. The trams were so crowded, we had to split up into 2 groups (Tram 5 and Tram 64) We entertained ourselves by chatting and playing spotto on the way back. We finally got off at Stop 34, and walked back to school. It was a great excursion!
Written by Anakin, William, Iggy