From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear Families


Sunday week ago our Year 4 students; Vi, Mia, Maylissa, Lachlan, Bella, Violetta, Gabriela and Mavis made their First Eucharist at the 10:30am Mass. They are to be congratulated for the manner in which they prayerfully and respectfully made their Sacrament. Many parishioners commended on behalf of our school community for the confidence and clarity in which they read at Mass and took up the offertory. We also thank Ava, Summer and Tim for altar serving.


Last Friday we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart, where many of our students read and participated in the Mass. Our choir led the congregation, which was enjoyed by all.  In particular their communion reflection was superb. This Feast Day reminds us of God’s love for us and our challenge to look after and care for each other, especially those in need.  Our Social Justice Leaders Olivia and Pia met with Margaret from our St Kilda East St Vincent de Paul Conference and Mrs Mensen our Faith Leader, to see how we as a school could support people this Winter.  We look forward to hearing from the leaders about this.  


Vision for Instruction 

Last Thursday our Junior Literacy Leader Mrs Borgese and our Senior Literacy Leader Angela Mason and myself, together with several other leaders in our South Central Network gathered to explore the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) 2030 Vision with the focus on Vision for Instruction. Our focus was what explicit teaching looks like in our schools and to learn from each others’ practices. We have much to be proud of and to celebrate at St Mary’s Primary School with our Learning and Teaching and the manner in which our School Improvement Plan and Annual Action Plan align with the MACS direction. Vision for Instruction 2030 (MACS) will continue to be our focus for next semester and 2025. 


Over the past eighteen months we have been part of MACS Southern Region Partners in Literacy, with our facilitator Julia Blakey. The staff are to be commended for the manner in which they engaged with the content and their willingness to further develop their pedagogical knowledge and understanding in the area of Reading. Of course the intended outcome is improved Reading incorporating decoding, comprehension and fluency for each student. Nothing gives us greater delight than watching our students grow!   


Mathematics Version 2.0 - Victorian Curriculum

This Semester we have taught and assessed Mathematics using the Mathematics Version 2.0 - Victorian Curriculum.  Please read the outline below, as directed by MACS. This will also be printed in hard copy in each student’s report. 


The Arts & the Crochet Club 

This Winter weather is perfect crochet weather.  We thank Hywell for working with our students each Monday.  Our senior students are working on a crochet and paint banner which we look forward to displaying it along the upstairs corridor on its completion. If you have time please walk along our top corridor and enjoy the art work. Next Term we cannot wait for our Italian Day on Tuesday 6th August and Art Show in the week of Monday 9th September, we love celebrating the Arts at St Mary’s Primary School. From my sneak previews as I walk around the school, these events will be amazing! 


HOLT Lightning Premierships - Netball & Football 

Today our senior netballers competed in the HOLT Lightning Netball Premiership at the Thomas Street Netball Courts in Hampton. Two teams were entered and great fun was had by all. This term they have played netball each Friday afternoon with schools in our district. We thank Chelsea Le Hunt for her coaching and umpiring each week and today. The students have learnt so much from her and the calm and patient manner in which she has shared her knowledge and skill. Thank you to Mrs Mason, our Sports Co-ordinator for the organisation of the Winter program and to Ms Denise for accompanying the netball teams. Thank you also to Mrs Braun for joining the team today to allow more students to participate.


Tomorrow our footballers participate in the HOLT Football Lightning Premiership at the Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park, Malvern. We wish them all the best and thank many people for their weekly support as our cheer squad and coaching from several parents in a joint effort. Thank you to Mrs Mason and Ms Kat for coaching and organising the team each week and tomorrow. Our students have learnt a great deal this season. 


Farewell to  Mrs Jacqui Braun and welcome to Mrs Kylie Marks

At the end of Term we farewell Mrs Bruan and thank her for all that she has brought to our community in such a short time. We wish her and her young family all the best. We welcome Mrs Marks, who has worked as an Emergency Teacher with us this semester, across each of the year levels. We know you will all make her feel welcome. Please enjoy this introduction.


My name is Kylie Marks and I am from the Central Coast of NSW. I have been a classroom teacher for about 15 years and have also taught Physical Education. I moved to Melbourne this year with my daughter who attends The Australian Ballet School while my other daughter is studying at university. I have been fortunate to be able to work as a Casual Relief Teacher at St Mary's since the beginning of the year and look forward to continuing in the role of Physical Education teacher.


Science in Action 

As I work in my office I have the joy of watching our Year 2 students place their water gauges and the daily measuring of the rain water. Whilst not many of us have been enjoying this blast of cold and wet winter weather, the students in Year 2 have loved collecting and measuring the rain water. 


Well done to the Choir who received an honourable mention at the Boroondara Eisteddfod!

During Term 2, students from across Years One to Six have volunteered their recess time to rehearse and practice songs for various events. 


The choir have made a number of appearances at school events, including liturgies and Mass but this week we enjoyed a very special opportunity to perform alongside other schools at the Boroondara Eisteddfod in Hawthorn Arts Centre.


The students travelled to Hawthorn with the help of some of our parent community, Miss Raffaele and Mrs Mensen. Firstly, the students attended the Secondary Schools Choral Eisteddfod where they watched eight secondary school groups perform. A highlight for the students was seeing the various groups from chamber ensembles of around five students to larger groups of nearly eighty students and a favourite was hearing the song ‘Chili Con Carne’ which we hope to maybe add to our future repertoire. The Hawthorn Arts Centre staff complimented our school on our immaculate behaviour, manners, respectfulness and eagerness to learn. 


A bonus special surprise was the opportunity for a private tour from Adam Miller through the Gallery, viewing the intriguing art collection ‘The Long Way’ by local artist Kevin Chin; whose artwork looked initially like everyday landscapes but upon further inspection from our young ‘curators’ looked most unusual with upside down subjects and interesting additions to the scenes. Adam took the students through the various rooms of artworks and the students showed much appreciation for the artworks, offering their own interpretations and looking from different angles; responding with upside-down artworks of their own!


The students enjoyed eating their lunch in the Mayor’s room of the centre, experiencing a fine-dining scenery with their lunch boxes at round tables with luxurious furniture.


Finally, as part of the Primary School Choral Eisteddfod with 4 other schools, St Mary’s Recess Choir competed singing ‘O Santissima’ and ‘It’s All Right’ for which we received a special honourable mention! The students showed excellence in their collaboration together, receiving this award in particular for their teamwork when singing without a conductor. Backstage the students showed poise and calm composure as they waited, praying for not just their own performance but for all the schools who performed. The opportunity to sing in such a beautiful hall was spectacular and the students enjoyed not only singing in the resonant acoustic, but also listening to the other choirs respectfully and with keen ears. The adjudicator, Katrina Waters was so impressed with the choir that she came to visit the choir to personally congratulate them on their first performance out and about afterwards. 


Congratulations St Mary’s Choir on a successful performance and marvellous event! Thank you to Mrs Mensen for leading the Choir each week and sharing your passion and musical skills with our students. Thank you to Miss Raffaele for accompanying the students on the excursion and to our parents, Elena, Jade and Louisa and the many parents and grandparents who watched the performance.


Parent Teacher Interviews 

Bookings are now open for the Parent Teacher Interviews which will be held in the final week of Term. Please refer to today's Seesaw note or the Deputy Page for information.


School Disco,  Thursday 20th June 5:30pm

Please read the Parents and Friends page for the latest information for our School Disco next Thursday afternoon/evening.  We look forward to enjoying this highlight event with the students. 


Hard Quiz Kids 

Please watch the new channel ABC FAMILY, channel 22 on Saturday 22 Jun at 7.30pm, Hard Quiz Kids.  You may see someone you know and recognise from St Mary’s Primary School!!


Procedural texts in Year Two 

Thanks to Harry and Sophie, I now know how to keep my hands really clean, so as not to get ill. 


Take care and wishing God's blessings and peace upon each of you. 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari