Important Dates

Some Key Dates for 2024
Term 2
Monday 10th June
King's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th June
School Tour, 9.30pm
Friday 14th June
Basketball Round Robin
Sunday 16th June
Parish Throne of Games
Tuesday 18th June
School Tour, 9.30pm
Wednesday 19th June - Wednesday 26th June
Lamont Book Fair
Wednesday 19th June
SLC-C Assembly
Thursday 20th June
Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Friday 21st June
Celebration of Learning, 9-10am
Semester 1 Reports
Tuesday 25th June
Hot Food Day
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 25th June
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 26th June
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Friday 28th June
End of term 2, 1pm