Holy Saviour School Bulletin

Dear Families,
Monday 10th June is King’s Birthday Holiday
School resumes Tuesday 11th June
Feast of the Sacred Heart
Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a time for us to think about the deep love and compassion that Jesus has for all people, especially the poor and the suffering in our world. It is a time for us to ask God to help us to love like Jesus, to be more generous and kind.
The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus tells us that Jesus loves us in a very special way. We see the big heart of Jesus, full of love. We see flames, meaning that his heart is on fire, with burning love for all of us. We see the Crown of Thorns, reminding us of the sad times when people don’t treat Him with respect, or love Him as much as He loves them. And we see the Cross, reminding us that He loved us so much that he gave His life for us.
So the image of the Sacred Heart helps us to remember two important things – How much Jesus loves us, and how much He wants us to love him back. This feast is an opportunity to remember in a special way those who suffer because of lack of food, clothing or shelter.
St Vincent de Paul Fundraiser - Guess the Lollies in the Jar!
As part of our fundraising for the Vinnies Winter Appeal, we are holding a “Guess the Lollies in the Jar” competition. There are two jars to be won and everyone will be able to guess from Monday next week. Guesses will cost $2 for two guesses, or you can have 6 guesses for $5! All funds raised will go directly to the 2024 St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Food Appeal
Once again, we are making a plea to help vulnerable people and families as we head into the winter season. St Vincent de Paul work tirelessly to give aid, food and accommodation to many people in need in our community and across Melbourne. We are asking for donations of non-perishable foods over the next few weeks of June, which will include the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the traditional time the Society’s call for help. After that time, the Society of St Vincent de Paul will collect all of our food items and distribute them where they are needed most.
To ensure we get a good range of items we are suggesting different levels bring different types of items:
Prep/1– cereal/ long life milk
Year 2 – tea/coffee/biscuits (sweet/savoury)
Year 3/4 – tinned foods (eg. fruit/vegetables/fish/ meat/soup)
Year 5/6– rice/pasta/sauces to make a meal
Of course, ALL donations are welcomeand are not limited to specific year levels.
Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Next month, I’m participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. By going without shelter for one night, I hope to raise at least $5000 for people experiencing homelessness. The cost-of-living crisis is hitting Australians hard. Right now, homelessness is growing across all demographics. And while I’m experiencing just one night of mild discomfort, there are thousands of people who experience it every night. With your donation, more people can access homelessness support services including accommodation — so they can start to rebuild their lives. Please donate to my Vinnies CEO Sleepout today! https://www.ceosleepout.org.au/fundraisers/steve-evans
Get Well Soon Miss Congerton!
Two weeks ago, Miss Michelle Congerton underwent minor surgery for a medical condition. While we had initially anticipated that she would be back early last week, Michelle has had some setbacks with her recovery. We hope to see her back with us next week, following the Kings Birthday long weekend. I wish to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate 5/6C for the way in which they have navigated the last two weeks with maturity and positivity. I also wish to thank Ms Toni Edward, Mrs Kathy Cauley, and Mrs Fleur Sablinskis who have done an amazing job in the class these past two weeks. Please keep Michelle in your prayers.
Australian Catholic University - Pre-service Teachers
This week we welcomed Miss Liana Barbis and Miss Emily Gualtieri who are both studying to become teachers. They are both currently in their third year of study and will be joining us in both 5/6 classes until Friday 21st June. If you see them around the school, be sure to say hi!
Celebration of Learning - now on Friday 21st June
Everyone is invited to join us on Friday 21st June, 9am - 10am, to celebrate an amazing term of learning and reconnecting with each other. All classrooms will be open for everyone to engage with our staff and students, and to share in the students’ Celebration of Learning. You might also be able to see what has been happening in a couple of our redeveloped classrooms!
Special Hot Food Day - Tuesday 25th June
On Tuesday 25th June the SAC are arranging a Special Hot Food Day. Children can order either:
1. A jumbo sausage roll, Juice (choice of apple /orange) & Choc-chip muffin = $6.00 (extra sausage rolls $3.00)
2. A large meat pie, Juice (choice of apple /orange) & Choc-chip muffin = $7.00 (extra meat pie $3.00)
Please note that all orders MUST be submitted via CDFpay by 9am Friday 21st June.
No late orders will be accepted.
Semester One Reports & Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
On Tuesday 25th June from 2pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday 26th June from 2pm to 6pm our Semester One Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will take place for all students.
Semester One school reports will be distributed to all families on Friday 21st June. This will give families five days to dissect, interpret and absorb their child’s report, and bring discussion points to the Parent Teacher interview. Interviews are strictly for 15 minutes so please be on time as this will keep things flowing on the evening.
To book an interview with your child's classroom teacher please CLICK HERE orgo to https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au and use the code kkjg2.
Lamont Book Fair
We are pleased to announce that the Lamont Book Fair will be taking place from Wednesday 19th - Wednesday 26th June. Children will have an opportunity to view the books during their library times and parents are welcome to browse the books before and after school as well as during the Parent Teacher Interview days (Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th June).
If any parents are available to assist with the book fair please email Kerry Klidomitis.
Book Club
Just a reminder to please submit all orders for the Edition 4 Scholastic Book Club by Monday 10th June, 5pm. To view the catalogue online and place your order please click here.
Throne of Games
Prep 2025 Enrolments
We have had great interest in Prep for 2025, as well as other year levels, and we’ve had a good number of enrolments come through already. If you have a child who is eligible to start Prep in 2025, please submit your enrolment at your earliest convenience. This will enable us to develop a clear picture of classing and group sizes for 2025. Enrolments for 2025 are to be made through the Emmaus portal.
School Tours & Open Days
Since the announcement of the Emmaus College P-12 beginning next year, I have been swamped with school tours! Our previously organised Open Days have now finished, but we have scheduled some new dates for June. Please feel free to share the following with anyone you know who wishes to enrol at Holy Saviour/Emmaus College.
Tuesday 11th June, 9.30am
Tuesday 18th June, 9.30am
Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications
Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026
The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2024 who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).
The timeline of events and dates are as follows:
Monday 29th January 2024 – Applications open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.
Friday 16th August 2024 – Applications will close.
Friday 18th October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
Friday 8th November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Kind regards
Mr Steve Evans