Principal Team

Shane Gagiero & Felicity Elliott

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can’t believe we are nearly at the end of Term Two! The term has flown by with many exciting things happening all around the school. There have been many fantastic 

experiences for our students including Prep Olden Days Grandparents Afternoon, Grade 3 Excursion to Moonlit Sanctuary, Grade 5 and 6 Winter Lightning Premiership and Regional Cross Country. It has been amazing to visit classrooms and see the wonderful and engaging teaching and learning occurring, as well as many students visiting the office to showcase their brilliant work, displaying achievement and success. 




We currently have 392 students enrolled at Somerville Primary School; we are continuing to take bookings for school tours for 2025 Prep students.

 At this stage we have already had several tours throughout the term and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, which is an outstanding reflection on the high-quality teaching and learning that occurs each and every day at our school. 


No Dogs

 I’d like to remind all members of our school community, both Somerville Kindergarten families and Somerville Primary School families that dogs are not allowed in schools unless they are registered and approved therapy dogs. This is part of our duty of care for all of our students, to provide a safe and secure learning environment. 


Student Illness

 As we enter the colder months, it's crucial to prioritise the health and wellbeing of our school community. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home to prevent the spread of illness among classmates and staff. This proactive measure helps maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for everyone. 


Substantive Principal Appointment

 We were delighted to announce earlier in the term the appointment of a new substantive Principal for Somerville Primary School; Mr Jamie Mayhew-Sharp. Jamie is joining Somerville Primary School following several years in long-term Acting Principal roles. Jamie comes to us with extensive curriculum knowledge and operational experience that will ensure his success as Principal at our school. He is dedicated to student and staff growth and wellbeing and is looking forward to connecting with the wider community, particularly parents/carers. Jamie shall commence his role officially at the start of Term 3, 2024. Although Jamie has a hyphenated last name, he goes by Mr Sharp. 

Semester One Reports

 Semester One reports are available to download from Compass. If you need support with this, please contact our Admin staff in the office. 


Last Day of Term 2

 The last day of Term 2 will be on Friday the 28th of June. Students will finish at 2:30pm on this day. Please ensure you make appropriate arrangements for your child to be picked up at this time. 

Assembly Awards

 Congratulations to our Somerville Star Award winners at our last assembly. You have all done a sensational job and set a wonderful example for your classmates. 

We hope everyone has a brilliant and safe holiday break and we look forward to seeing you all next term! 


Kind Regards, 


Felicity & Prue