Friends of Somerville PS


FOSP activities over June have included our weekly “Popcorn Tuesdays” - which have had a very enthusiastic response from our students (alongside some beautiful manners!) - and our Hot Dog Meal Deal Day. A massive thank you to all our parent volunteers for these events, without them these days would simply not happen. As well as our kids having a treat, these events give us as parents a chance to catch up, meet new people and have a bit of fun amongst the popping of popcorn and boiling of hot dogs! 


Coming up in Term 3 we will continue to have our Popcorn Tuesday, our Footy Day Meal Deal and we are hoping to organise a school disco towards the end of term! Like everything, this will not happen without some volunteers, so if you are keen to be part of the organising team for this, have some contacts or suppliers that might be helpful, or can help out in any way, please email 


Remember volunteering isn’t restricted to parents – so if you have a grandparent, aunty, uncle or another carer who is keen to be involved please let them know! Volunteers must have a current WWCC, with a copy given to the office. 


Once again, thank you to all our amazing helpers this month, and to all of you for your support of our events. 





· Popcorn Tuesdays - Term 3 sign up sheet to come out soon

· Fathers Day Stall – Friday 30th August - Event Organiser needed

· Footy Day Meal Deal – Friday 20th September - Event Organiser needed

· School Disco - Date to be confirmed - Event helpers needed



· Colour Fun Run – Thursday 17th October - Event Organiser needed

· Meal Deal – Friday 6th December - Event Organiser needed


Have another idea?

If you have a suggestion we’d love to hear from you!  All events will have the full support of the school in planning,  organisation and running. You won’t have to do it alone. 


Caz Russell—School Council, Community Relations Sub Committee