Dates For Your Diary


Friday 19th

- No Breakfast Club


Wednesday 24th

- Year 3/4 Hoop Time competition (interested Year 3/4 students)


Friday 26th

- Breakfast Club starts for Term 3


Tuesday 30th

- Year 5/6 Hoop Time competition (interested Year 5/6 students)



Monday 5th

- Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Ballarat Camp departs (all Year 5/6 students)


Wednesday 7th

- Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Ballarat Camp returns (all Year 5/6 students)


Thursday 8th

- ICAS Digitech assessment (registered students)


Friday 9th

- ICAS Writing assessment (registered students)

- Vic State Schools Spectacular 2024 rehearsal (selected students)


Monday 12th

- 'Teeth On Wheels' School Dentist visit (students with pre-booked appointments)


Tuesday 13th

- Scholastic Book Fair Open, 8.30-9.00am & 3.30-4.00pm (all welcome)


Thursday 15th

- 'Teeth On Wheels' School Dentist visit (students with pre-booked appointments)


Friday 16th

- Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)


Monday 19th

- Book Week commences

- Scholastic Book Fair Open, 8.30-9.00am & 3.30-4.00pm (all welcome)


Tuesday 20th

- Scholastic Book Fair Open, 8.30-9.00am & 3.30-4.00pm (all welcome)

- ICAS Science assessment (registered students)


Wednesday 21st

- Scholastic Book Fair Open, 8.30-9.00am & 3.30-4.00pm (all welcome)

- ICAS Spelling assessment (registered students)


Friday 23rd

- Breakfast Club, 8.15am (all welcome)


Tuesday 27th

- ICAS Maths assessment (registered students)


Thursday 29th

- School Production Dress Rehearsal Day at theatre (whole school)

- School Production Performance, Rowville Performing Arts Centre, 6.30pm (whole school)


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