Student Acknowledgements & Birthdays



The Sacred Heart School Vision Statement and Philosophy speaks of creating a Catholic faith community that, with Jesus as our model, promotes tolerance, compassion, equality, justice and joy in each other’s presence. As educators, we look for and celebrate these qualities, dispositions and character traits to acknowledge these in others. 


Prep BNihit KattaFor showing kindness to your friends on the yard. Nihit it is fabulous to see you smile as you collaborate, design, and build wonderful creations in the sandpit. Keep it up gorgeous boy!Prep CCarter MollicaFor your engagement during our Fire Education lesson. You were sharing all of your knowledge about how to stay safe if there is a fire as well as where safe meeting places are. The firefighters and I were very impressed!
Henry McConkeyFor being a super dooper discoverer! Henry, we were blown away with your thinking in our Heart Space during Discovery. We loved when you took a photo of something weak and strong and made connections to resilience. You’re a champ!Isla MorrisseyFor being a super photographer in our Discovery space. You were able to take photos of things up close, from afar and even used the mirror to help you take a photo of a reflection. You are so clever Isla!
Year 1KRAlex BilboFor being the best example of an Active Learner. Alex you are always listening, answering questions and helping others with their work and you do this with a smile. It is a joy to have you in the class.Year 1VWes Di ClementeFor having an amazing start to the term. Well done Wes on respectfully participating during whole class sessions and for interacting with your peers in a kind manner.
Mila FrazeckFor always showing our Ways of Being Together all day every day. Mila the kindness you have shown our new student has been outstanding. You really are such a good friend and classmate.Zara YauFor always displaying respect and kindness at school. Zara you are always inclusive of everyone and you always show kindness when working with your peers during group activities. We are so lucky to have you in our class!
Year 2ACamilo PizarroFor settling into Sacred Heart so well and making such a positive start. I have been impressed with the way that you show kindness and manners to others in your interactions with them. Well done Camilo! Year 2ABLachlan StitzFor the amazing writing he has produced recently. Lachlan you are able to get your thoughts down on the page with more speed and accuracy now and we are very proud of the efforts you have made. Well done Mate!
Harrison ArvanitakisFor the enthusiasm and growth you have shown in your learning in Maths. It is wonderful to see you so engaged in your learning! Keep it up Harrison! Zara PapadopoulosFor the positive mindset she now has towards her maths work. Zara, you have gained so much confidence and we can see the look of joy when you accomplish what you set out to do. This is priceless!
Year 3CFrancis McCarthyFor being an active learner. You have always put your best effort and engagement in all areas of learning, including English, Maths, and Inquiry. You fully immersed yourself in the LUME exhibition and were so enthusiastic about our English unit for Matilda and narrative writing. You should be so proud of yourself! Well done Frankie!Year 3KASolomon YauFor being an active learner, and always taking on teacher feedback in a mature and responsible manner. We love how you always try your best and love to be given a challenge. Well done Solomon! 
Ainsley DinhFor being such a confident writer. Your orientation for your narrative blows our mind. You have used onomatopoeia and descriptive language to describe your character, Yoochee, so well that drew everyone's attention. Keep it up Ainsley!Rebecca ChandlerFor letting your light shine! It has been wonderful seeing you so positive and enthusiastic about school! We love seeing your beautiful smiling face every morning and are so impressed with how you have been navigating challenging situations. You are a marvel! 
Year 4LAllura PrestiFor consistently demonstrating a positive and enthusiastic energy towards your learning tasks. You are always trying to reach new goals and you are a fantastic learning partner with your peers. Well done!Year 4KLucas MagriFor an awesome start to Term 4 and the positive choices you are making when sitting on the floor. You have also been upholding our ways of being at Sacred Heart by thinking of others and being a great friend to your peers. Great stuff Lucas!
Patrick WilliamYou are doing such an amazing job with your reading comprehension tasks and discussing the narrative ‘The Wild Robot’. Please continue challenging yourself and sharing your great ideas. Elliotte McGeeFor the improved focus you are showing in your learning tasks this term. I am so happy with the way you give everything a go and the determination you are showing in Maths and Writing makes me so proud. Well done Elliotte!
Year 5KLevi ScolaroFor your participation in class discussion and activities. You share your ideas and opinions with the class and this encourages those around you to do the same. Keep it up Year 5TOliver MulfordFor your innovative Inquiry project at the end of Term 3. You showcased your skills, talents and interests in a highly creative and educational manner. I was super impressed. Well done! 
GeorgiaFor the care and kindness you show to those around you. You look out for your friends and help them when they need. Well done! Isla MortonFor your outstanding contribution to class discussions in the last few weeks. You have been sharing meaningful and in-depth ideas and opinions, encouraging those around you to do the same. Keep it up!
Year 6AHeidi CasementFor your leadership during the catapult building activity on camp. You showed resilience and you encouraged others as you worked together as a team. Well done Heidi.Year 6KJames McAuliffeFor having such a positive attitude on the Grade 6 Camp. You showed resilience and bravery as you challenged yourself to achieve your best. It was wonderful to see you support and encourage other students especially during our cataput challenge! Keep up the great work James! 
Audrey MarinoFor having such a positive attitude on camp. You showed courage as you challenged yourself in all the activities. It was wonderful to see you laugh and encourage other students. Well done Audrey.  Nyah HarbFor showing courage and persistence during our Grade 6 Camp at Camp Campaspe! You never gave up and kept trying to achieve your best. I am so proud of you Nyah! Keep up the great work.


Happy Birthday to our students who have celebrated a birthday or will celebrate a birthday soon.


Name & Date


Sarah Sestich

Kristian Najdovski

Hiyab Weleslassie

19 October

20 October

26 October


Camilo Pizarro

Oliver Gribben

Buzzy Advani

Zara Papadopoulos

10 October

17 October

18 October

19 October

ThreeNoah Conheady14 October

Shyla Broadway

Abigail Dowling

Grayson Gauci

10 October

11 October

20 October


Alissa Rossini

Sadie Di Clemente

3 October

29 October


Ishaan Shetty

Neve Brandham

Emily Wiederstein

6 October

17 October

17 October

We hope you have a wonderful birthday!!