Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Welcome to the last newsletter for the term!
Our production rehearsals have begun and will continue to be our main priority in week one of next term as we work towards the 16th and 17th of October. I have seen all year levels and main casts and the children are all doing an amazing job with their numbers and lines. Don't forget tickets are still available via trybooking - please see Compass posts from Andrew Moore and Melissa Crozier for further information. There is no longer a limit on ticket numbers, so if you would like additional tickets please log back in and purchase these.
Thank you to the Year 5 teachers and parents who attended camp last week at the Log Cabin in Creswick. It is the longest camp in our program and combines student learning of the Gold Rush and the immigration wave that came from it with resilience and team-building activities.
Thank you also to Mr Liston and the Year 5 and 6 teachers for their work in supporting our students at Interschool sports. I would also like to thank the parent volunteers who helped us with managing/coaching the teams. Without parent support, we will be unable to support the program in its current form in 2025. Any feedback about how we can continue to build a parent volunteer group for these events would be appreciated.
We also participated in the Girls on Track event at Sandown Racecourse last Friday. The goal of these events is to inspire and encourage an interest in STEM subjects and industries amongst schoolgirls, with the aim of increasing female participation in these sectors. Thank you to Mrs Crozier and Mrs Bird for supporting the students at the event and to the parents of the students who supported them in attending the event.
We have also celebrated our inquiry units of work this week, with many classes having expos to show their work to the other students and parents. We are very proud of these units, which we believe link learning to the real world and set challenges for the students that allow them to demonstrate their creativity and a growth mindset.
I hope you all have a fabulous time during the term break and we look forward to seeing everyone back ready for a busy term 4!
Till next time.
Michelle Ogilvie