School News

Reminder Early Finish Friday - 2.30pm dismissal
A reminder that Friday is the last day of term 3 and we will finish at 2.30pm. There will be no assembly. Our first day back for Term 4 is Monday 7th October.
TheirCare Newsletter
Code Camp - Term 4 Enrolment
Code Camp will again run at lunch times on Wednesdays during Term 4.
Please follow the link below to book in:
After-school Programs at Alphington Primary School | Code Camp
Dates below:
Thursday 19th September
Lost Property - Trivia Night and General
We have a large amount of lost property at the moment. Photos below of lost property from the Trivia Night. Also, the lost property bin is full of students clothing and all unnamed items will be donated at the end of the term. Please take the time to investigate if you are missing items.
Reminder - Wellbeing- Parent Information Sessions in our community
Below are some links to free resources and topical information sessions for parents in our community.
Yarra Council- Tuning in to teens
Emotionally Intelligent Parenting of children aged 10 - 15 years
Wednesday nights in August and September from 6pm – 8pm
Bargoonga Nganjin
182 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North
These sessions are free to attend, however you need to register but emailing or
Please see this link for more information:
Esafety Commissioner- Webinars
In the coming weeks, there are a number of other information sessions for parents, related to online behaviours. The below topics all have dates in September, and are free to attend.
Here is a link to some resources (videos, articles and books) for parents around online safety