Science and P.E.

PE News
Grades 3-6 attended our Term 3 District Sports Day last Friday 6th September. What a wonderful day we all had! The weather was kind to us and the students made the most of the day through their participation, positive attitude, skill development and brilliant team work!
This week the Grade 2-6 students enjoyed a game of T Ball, refining our two handed side arm strike skills which we have been working on with our tennis and cricket coverage as well as our team work skills. Grade F/1 students enjoyed some more kickball practise in preparation for our F-2 District Kickball day next term. Our Grade 2 students will jump into this next term!
Also in Term 4 we are looking forward to engaging in our whole school swimming program (stay tuned for details) as well as our School Athletics Sports Day. Start training parents and teachers-this year you can participate too! Details out soon!
Science News
Oobleck….what magical, mesmerizing and messy stuff! All classes enjoyed making this substance over the past fortnight-what fun we all had! The looks of wonder and fascination on the students’ faces were so wonderful to witness! Students made predictions about what they thought would result from mixing cornflour and warm water, then carried out the experiment (exploring the chemical reaction) and finally recorded their results.
If you would like to try this experiment at home and experience the magic of this non Newtonian substance (a cross between a solid and a liquid) here is the procedure. Enjoy!
Please note: This can get very messy so maybe set this activity up outdoors!
1 cup of corn flour
1/2 cup of warm water
- Pour the corn flour into the bowl.
- Slowly pour in the water, mixing as you go. (If too watery, add more corn flour and if too dry, add a little more water).
- Explore the substance-scoop some up in your hand and try rolling it into a ball. Then let go and see what happens. Try quickly poking it in the bowl. Then try slowly poking it…what do you notice?
Clare Grainger
P.E. and Science Teacher