Message from Leadership

Dear Families,
We are excited to share that our Year 5 and 6 students are currently participating in the Emerging Leaders Forum, held in collaboration with the University of Melbourne. This prestigious program has provided our young leaders with a fantastic opportunity to work closely with their peers and collaborate with students from schools across both Asia and Australia.
Throughout the forum, our students will engage in thought-provoking discussions, team-based projects, and leadership challenges, all designed to enhance their problem-solving skills, cultural awareness, and leadership potential. The experience has been incredibly valuable so far, giving them the chance to form meaningful connections and broaden their perspectives.
We are proud of their participation and look forward to seeing how these experiences shape their continued leadership development.
Thank you Mrs Lara Zylan for supporting our students with this program.
With the arrival of beautiful spring weather, it has been wonderful to see our students out in the garden, working together to weed and prepare the garden beds for the upcoming planting season. We are proud of the students' dedication to creating a green and vibrant space for our school.
Footy balls and toys
A friendly reminder for students to keep footy balls, down balls, soccer balls and other toys at home. Brining these items from home is leading to stress and disruptions when these items get lost or misplaced. Rest assured, the school will continue to provide a variety of equipment for students to enjoy during their recess and lunch breaks.
Summer Uniform
As Term 4 is only a few weeks away, I would like to remind everyone that the summer uniform will be required from the beginning of the term. We encourage all families to ensure that uniforms are ready for the new term. Please check that all items meet the school’s uniform guidelines, including footwear and hats for sun protection.
Best Regards,
Anushka Vaz
Acting Principal