Year Five

Dear Year Five families,
As Term Three ends, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful progress our Year Five Students have made and share our excitement for what lies ahead in Term Four!
Term Three Highlights:
This term has been full of exciting learning experiences, growth, and of course fun. Here are several of the highlights:
Camp Kangaroobie – If you haven’t had the chance to look through the photos that were posted on School Box page, please do.
Life Ed Van Puberty Session – You may have had further discussions with your child/children regarding the changes that the human body (and the emotional) changes that occur during this time. If you would like some further information to help with these discussions, please check out the following links.
Wakakirri Dance Competition- A massive congratulations to the dancers (many from our year level) and everyone else involved in this spectacular performance. We are so excited that our troupe has made it to the national competition. We will have our collective fingers crossed!
In Literacy we have continued reading our class novel ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ . The students are invested to find out what happens to the main characters and have been making predictions. Many students have been working in groups to read a text, similar to the way a book club would run. These students are expected to read these books at home to ensure that when they next meet as a group, everyone is on the same page and able to share in a rich discussion about the text. Our writing focus has been to refine our persuasive writing techniques in the form of a sales pitch. This will continue in Term Four with students having to deliver their sales pitch in a Shark Tank scenario.
The central idea of our fifth unit of Inquiry is ‘Recognise consumer choices may be influenced by a range of factors’. Students have looked at various factors such as personal preferences, economic factors and social influences which can sway us when it comes to deciding which items/products we buy. This unit has been integrated well through our literacy lessons where they have analysed advertisements and celebrity endorsements.
In Numeracy we have focused on Measurement. The Year Five team have designed lessons which focus on both understanding and applying key measurement concepts. The Victorian Curriculum emphasises problem-solving, applying conversions between units, and calculating area and perimeter in practical contexts. When we were working on converting units, we learned that sometimes converting a larger unit of measurement (cm) into a smaller unit (mm) of measurement gives more precision. We have also consolidated and extended our understanding of area and perimeter.
Looking Ahead to Term Four:
While weare sad to see Term Three come to an end, we are filled with excitement for the learning opportunities ahead in Term Four. Here’s a glimpse into what’s coming up:
Thursday 17th October: Year 5 Motivational Speaker
Tuesday 29th October: 3-way Conferences
Monday 4th November: Curriculum Day (Student Free)
Wednesday & Thursday 6/7 November: Dream City Incursion (VR, electrical engineering, sports science)
Friday 22nd, 28th Nov & 6th Dec: Year 5 Beach Program
More information will be forthcoming about these Term Four events. Please make sure that you are able to log into your parent XUNO page as we no longer give out forms etc., these are all online, including approvals and payments.
Important Reminders
- On PE days and Fridays, students are permitted to wear their sports uniform. Students must be in their full academic uniform on the other days.
- Our school day commences at 8:30am and students will be welcomed into the classroom each day from 8.20am, which will give them time to prepare for their day ahead. Any student who arrives after 8.40am must sign in at the office and obtain a late pass.
- Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by a parent or carer.
- Please ensure your students get in the habit of charging their laptops overnight so that they are ready to be used for learning during the school day.
We are incredibly proud of how much our Year Five Students have grown, and we are so grateful for your continued support throughout the term. Together, we can ensure that they continue to flourish in their learning journey.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break, and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for an exciting Term Four!
Kind regards,
The Year Five Team