
Dear Prep families,
We have reached the end of Term 3! Times truly flies when you’re having fun!
We wish you all a safe and restful break and look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 7 October, ready for the final term of Prep. As a reminder, please ensure students arrive to school between 8.20am and 8.30am, as lessons begin promptly at 8.30am.
Our focus in Reading has been on questioning. Students have been encouraged to answer questions within, about, and beyond the text. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of literature and empowers students to explore texts more meaningfully. Through questioning, they are developing important skills such as making connections, retelling, inferring, and predicting, which all increase reading comprehension and understanding.
After assessing students’ independent writing abilities, teachers have set personalised writing goals to help each student progress further, based on their level of assessment. Students have been working on various writing skills tailored to their needs, including using finger spaces, applying sight word knowledge, using capital letters correctly, and ensuring the correct use of punctuation. A strong emphasis remains on spelling, encouraging students to listen carefully to the sounds and write the letters they hear.
In Maths, we have been exploring capacity. Students have discussed that capacity is the amount something can hold, filling different containers and sharing their insights on whether the containers are full or not. They’ve also been practising estimating how many items can fit into another, creating lots of excitement and opportunities for conversation during these hands on lessons.
In Week 9 of Wellbeing, our Prep students explored the balance between strength and gentleness in their movements, interactions with objects and relationships with others. They discussed the importance of combining strength and gentleness, especially when dealing with anger, to ensure they don’t harm themselves or others. To wrap up the term, students reflected on their Wellbeing lessons and enjoyed a relaxing session, engaging in some fun mindfulness activities.
Book Fair
A big thank you to all families who supported our annual book fair by visiting and purchasing books. Your contribution will help provide more resources for our school, and we hope you and your child enjoy spending time together reading.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered on XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff.
- Classroom doors open at 8.20am and lessons begin at 8.30am. If by change you arrive late (8:40 am onwards) you are required to obtain a late pass from the office.
- Please remember to pack a spare change of clothes for your child. Sometimes, little children can have toileting accidents and spills at school.
- Your child’s iPad is charged and brought to school every day.
- Term 4 requires students to be sun smart and wear their school hat when outside.
- If your child can read their sight words, they can try writing them. Once they can write the words correctly, they can move on to using them in sentences.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.