Classroom News

What’s happening in Year 4
The Year 4 students recently went on an exciting excursion to Scienceworks, where they had a fun and educational day. They explored various exhibits at the museum and then visited the Melbourne Planetarium. At the planetarium, they learned about Earth's position in the solar system, its rotation causing day and night, and the concept of the four seasons, which complemented their ongoing learning in their Earth and Space Sciences Inquiry unit. This unit focused on the Earth's rotation on its axis, the concept of day and night, and understanding the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere. The students have also explored the different layers within the Earth as part of their studies.
Here are some photos of our Excursion to Scienceworks.
What's Happening in Year 6
On Monday the 2nd of September, 6A and 6B students eagerly visited the Melbourne Museum to experience workshops and exhibitions related to our Natural Disaster Geography Unit.
One of the places we went to was the Dynamic Earth exhibition. We got to see rare and beautiful minerals, giant crystals, uncut diamonds and gold nuggets and also understand the conditions in which they are formed. Some of them even glow in the dark! It was also really interesting to see. This exhibition was so exciting and fun to learn about and to see all the wonderful things that our earth has to offer.
Another one of the exhibitions we visited was the 600 million years exhibition, it was fantastic. Everyone enjoyed it, we got to see lots of fossils, models, animatronics and animations. We learned about the geological process that helped move landmasses. We also got to learn about the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago. Finally we learned about life as it moved to sea and diversified into mammals, birds and plants we know today. It was a very educational experience that I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested in fossils and dinosaurs.
The climate change workshop was a place where we were educated about climate change and how it works. For example we learned that greenhouse gasses and fossil fuels aren’t completely bad as they make the Earth so warm that humans can survive. We also learnt about the difference between climate and weather along with a lot more knowledge about how greenhouse gasses and climate change work. We were separated into groups and we had to work together to complete fun activities together. For example, one of the six activities we did was to complete a quiz on climate change and global warming, making us work together as a group and test our knowledge. There was also an activity that required us to make a unique protest sign like people do in real life when they are protesting against the harming of the Earth. These activities along with videos and info from the staff taught us a lot of valuable information we didn’t know before especially because it connects to our learning in school.
The Gandel Gondwana Garden was a fascinating place that we visited during the museum as we learnt about different plants and various types of animals. It included different sorts of activities that we did there, one of them was learning about different types of unique plants. An amazing part of this activity was that on every plant there was a poem that was deep and mindful. There were Traditional and ancient footsteps on the ground leading us to more and more poems as we walked past, the footsteps represented dinosaurs walking on the land and our ancestors. We discovered that there were statues of dinosaurs, each species name was carved into the statue so that we can learn about each one of them.This was an amazing and indeed a magical experience.
Things 6C and 6D should look out for:
Things that 6C and 6D should look out for are the climate change workshop especially the many fun activities such as the make of the climate change protest sign. Another thing 6C and 6D should look out for are the 600 million years exhibit. It was a fun and educational experience that I am sure 6C and 6D will enjoy. 6C and 6D should look out for the ancient poems all across the Gandel Gondwana Garden since they contain significant meanings. One last thing that they should look out for is the Dynamic earth exhibit, you will get to experience beautiful minerals, shimmery crystals, uncut diamonds gold nuggets, and other amazing things.