Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


Welcome back to STAPs and a Term 4 full of exciting activities, excursion, mission activities, music and  athletics and more! A reminder to all that this term’s excursion for the Ephesus community will be on Monday 14th October at Bunjil Place. Students will be going there to watch the performance ‘Waru’. They will need to wear their school uniform and bring a packed and labelled lunch and disposable drink bottle if possible. Well done to all the students and families who have given their consent for this excursion. A reminder to those who haven’t that these will need to be completed and submitted by the end of today..


A further reminder that students will need their school hats for playtimes and sport, as Term 4 is a SunSmart term, due to the excessive UV at these times. Please ensure your children have their hats every day at school, making sure they are clearly labelled. As we have transitional weather at the moment, students can wear either their winter or summer uniform, making sure  they wear the correct full uniform. Sports uniforms will be worn on their normal PE day, as per last term.


Our Learning Focus for Week 1


Mathematics:  In Maths, students have been learning about multiplication and division. We started off with looking at different representations of multiplication and division, using a think board to demonstrate these different ways. Then we moved onto practising 2-digit multiplication using no regrouping and regrouping, as well as division with no regrouping.


English: For English, we have continued to work on decoding and encoding reading strategies for reading and spelling different combinations of letters. Our text reading novel is ‘The One and Only Ivan’ by Katherine Applegate, a story about a gorilla in a circus. This fictional story will be the basis for students to learn about animals for entertainment, and deciding on their view point on whether they agree or disagree with this practice - a starting point for looking at persuasive writing.


Religious Education:  Our Religion topic for the beginning of Term 4 is ‘The Bible’. This week we have looked at what the Bible is and the common origins of the religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam.


Integrated Studies:  This week, students have been rehearsing the plays given out to groups at the end of last term. They were able to present their plays and performances in front of their classes and record these onto Seesaw. After each performance students were asked to reflect on what they had seen, writing about which students had performed and what they liked about the performance.


Auslan:  We are up to Unit 7A in our Auslan learning. This week the focus is on signing colours, and using these in a question. In Auslan we sign the object first and then the adjective to describe it.

Week 2 - Term 4 

Monday 14th of OctoberExcursion to Bunjil  Place - Waru / Visual Arts 3B
Tuesday 15th of OctoberVisual Arts 3C
Wednesday 16th of OctoberSTSS - Year 3 level / PE - 3A, 3D
Thursday 17th of OctoberPE - 3B, 3C / Visual Arts - 3D
Friday 18th of OctoberVisual Art - 3A


Excursion to Bunjil Place - Waru - Monday 14th October, 2024