Weekly Student Award

Week 3





Prep AAWillow B Outstanding For starting Term 3 with a cast on your arm but not letting that change her positive mindset in class and play! You are extremely resilient and have done such a brilliant job of creating outstanding work. Well done Willow.  
1/2 NPDarcy VOutstandingFor starting Term 3 with a growth mindset and putting 100% effort into all he does in the classroom. 
1/2 PB



3/4 LPSophie DOutstandingFor the fantastic effort you put into your Civics & Citizenship speech this week. Keep up the awesome work! 
3/4 JSAkiro N Teamwork For being an amazing friend and helping a friend through tough times. We love your positivity, keep it up! 

5/6 JD 


Victoria KOutstandingFor creating and presenting an amazing speech at the Victorian Students’ Parliamentary Program on behalf of Officer Primary School. You spoke so confidently and clearly! You are a superstar!!  
5/6 JDZPatrick BOutstandingFor always making efforts to contribute effectively to class discussions. You’re always willing to put ideas forward and you’re not afraid to be wrong! It is really appreciated, keep up the great work! 
STEAMSophie MOutstandingFor the high quality and detailed work you produce in STEAM. You always strive to achieve your best and consistently check that you’re on the right track. Well done Sophie! 
SigningOscar POutstandingFor your tremendous effort recalling all the letters of the alphabet. I’m super impressed with how much you’ve learnt this year - well done! 
PEJeremy STeamworkFor being a motivating classmate and supporting others to succeed whilst also extending your own abilities. You are a star! 

Week 4





Prep AARyan SOutstanding For demonstrating his resilience skills this week, working extremely hard on his letter and number skills and always trying his best.  
1/2 NPJoel FOutstandingFor demonstrating your keenness to learn new things and always giving 100% effort, even when it’s hard. 
1/2 PBTanvir BOutstandingFor your outstanding effort in our maths lessons. You have shown that you have a great understanding of subtraction and should be very proud! 
3/4 LPSummer AOutstandingFor your outstanding effort in everything you do.  You rise to every challenge and it’s amazing to see your growth across all areas. 
3/4 JSAiden WWellbeing For being a great classmate and caring for your peers. You always look after your friends with great passion. Well Done! 

5/6 JD 


Jeremy S



For demonstrating that with great focus you can accomplish work of a high standard, keep up the effort as you head closer to starting high school.   
5/6 JDZCharli MWellbeingFor being a kind, considerate and helpful classmate that your peers can rely on! You consistently model our school values and look out for others! You are a star! 
STEAMLachlan GRespectFor your respectful and enthusiastic attitude towards learning. It has been great hearing your connections to the lessons! 
SigningThomas BOutstandingFor showing outstanding effort by applying extra practice to your skills and proudly achieving your goal. It’s been great to see you take responsibility for your learning and get involved in Auslan games.  
PEHitansh STeamworkFor doing a great job when passing the ball to teammates and ensuring that your support for others was super positive. Well done! 


Week 5





Prep AAOscar POutstanding For creating a beautiful narrative about his favourite subject, that included amazing handwriting and illustrations! Well done Oscar.  
1/2 NPVada QTeamworkFor showing great determination and resilience at Hooptime and playing as part of a team. 
1/2 PBTayte A


For your outstanding cookie dough rolling and cutting. You were a huge help when preparing for our Bullying No Way Day! 
3/4 LPThomas BTeamworkFor being a terrific team player during Hooptime! 
3/4 JSSummer B Teamwork For trying your absolute best during Hooptime and being a great teammate!  

5/6 JD 


Tristan BOutstandingFor your fabulous effort and a positive attitude towards all of your work this week! Well done Tristan! 
5/6 JDZLaksh SOutstandingFor your incredible efforts to complete all of your Morning Maths problems correctly! You chose the toughest questions, but showed how capable you are! Excellent job! 
STEAMAva JTeamworkFor your brilliant attitude towards helping your peers in our Science Week activity. Congratulations! 
PEMikail AOutstandingFor showing quality persistence and working hard on your skipping skills. You made sure that you kept on trying even when it was tricky and it was so great to see you be successful. Well done!



Week 6





Prep AABenjamin RRespect For continuing to display respect to peers, within the classroom, during play and ensuring others are always respectful to teachers. You are a kind and caring student always, Well done Ben!  
1/2 NPSteele SRespectFor demonstrating respect towards others, especially when there is a new teacher in the grade. Steele shows the GROWTH values of OPS every day. 
1/2 PBJessica NTeamworkFor always being a team player. You are continuously looking out for your peers and are the first to offer help to those in need. Keep it up! 
3/4 LPPeter KGratitudeFor the wonderful way you have embraced and made the most of experiences like Hooptime, Grandparent’s Day and in-class activities. Thank you for being such a positive member of 3/4LP! 
3/4 JSOlly OGratitudeFor always representing our school to the best of your abilities at events in and out of the school. You embraced the book fair with your brilliant costume and showed our GROWTH values at hooptime. WELL DONE! 

5/6 JD 


Hunter MOutstandingWell done on a fabulous week, showing amazing contributions to class discussions and in the completion of tasks. Your effort is really appreciated!   
5/6 JDZMacey GOutstandingFor your determined efforts to write an excellent report, putting information into your own words and organising the text accurately! Awesome job! 
STEAMJuanita DTeamworkFor supporting your peers in STEAM and working harmoniously in groups. Well done! 