Student Engagement

Student Engagement

Our whole school events have been a definite highlight of Term 3. We have celebrated 100 days of school for our preps, the Officer Olympics and Hooptime days which have all been a fantastic success! 


Most recently our 'Everybody belongs' Bullying No Way Day continued that success with all students completing classroom activities focused on the impacts of bullying and what to do to help yourself or others in these situations.

To promote positivity, all classes created a paper chain of people with word symbolising connection and we joined the whole school together to resemble our stance against bullying. To make the day even more special, all grades made little shortbread people and decorated them - all students loved them and thought they were super delicious!


As we look to the rest of the term, we are starting to prepare for our OPS has talent showcase. All students have completed auditions with the SRC which will progress to a performance to the whole school. This performance will be a practice for our final show that will using the facilities at St Margaret's on Thursday 19th September.

We are hoping to have plenty of parents and families come along to see the great talent our school has to offer!