Specialist Subjects

P.E Auslan STEAM


We have completed our Gymnastics unit with the Middle and Senior students. It's been great to see the progression in their skills as well as experimenting with the strength required to produce a handstand.

Our Juniors have absolutely blitzed their Ball Bounce unit and had a fantastic time demonstrating their skills at the Hooptime day at Dandenong Stadium. They are now looking forward to continuing their balances, rolls and having a go at wall walks in a range of Gymnastic rotations.


Good luck to our team of students who will be competing at the Officer District Athletics day on Thursday 29th August at Casey Fields. These students have been chosen due to their fantastic achievments at our House Athletics Day and we are super excited to see how they go!



We have continued the excitement from the Paris Olympics and Officer Olympics into our LOTE sessions. This has lead to signing about the different medals, events and feelings that have been associated such as happy and excited. 

Our Juniors will continue to extend their focus with signing sentences describing photos or videos from the Olympics. The Middle and Senior students will begin their  Olympic fact file where they will research information about a chosen event and learn how to communicate their facts in Auslan. 


STEAM: Science, Technology & The Arts

We have had an exciting few weeks in STEAM learning about chemical and physical sciences. Our 5/6s have started their claymation projects, and will be creating an animation of a change in state. The 3/4s have begun creating ideas for their clay sculpture which will demonstrate an object of their choice melting. For science week, our juniors worked in collaborative teams (we had some of our biggest teams yet!) and they took on working in big groups exceedingly well. Everybody worked together and problem solved any issues that arose. They learned about different animals, their habitat and the things they need to survive. The 3-6s created a card game where you use resources and actions to save the species from real world challenges such as climate change and deforestation.