Senior School

5/6 JDZ & 5/6 JD



Reading: Our focus for Reading has continued to revolve around the analysis of our text "Tomorrow When the War Began". Students have developed a "toolkit" of strategies to help them determine information such as purpose, themes, language and point of view.


Writing: Our genre for the past two weeks has been on information reports. Students have practised researching information, putting it into their own words, organising facts under subheadings and editing their work for errors.


Maths: In Maths, we have been looking at algebra; more specifically, finding the missing value in equivalent number sentences and using inverse operations. We have also started our unit on  transformation, exploring reflections, translations, rotations, symmetry and tessellation.



Book week was a lot of fun, with our dress day obviously being a highlight! Proudly, most of our senior students made the effort to dress up! 



State Schools Spectacular is now only 3 weeks away! Our performers are super excited. They've worked so very hard and have proudly represented our school beautifully! We cannot wait to see the whole production come together!