Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 JS

What a busy few weeks we have had - it is hard to believe we have passed the halfway point of the term already!


Reading: In our reading sessions we have beenlearning how advertisements affect our emotions and the effect 'layout' can have on audiences. We have explored the way different prefixes and suffixes can change the meaning of root words, as well as learning about etymology, or where words originate from.

Writing: In writing we have moved on to persuasive writing. Students arrived last week to find their chairs had gone on strike and had to write a persuasive letter to convince them to come back! This week, students have been presented with the topic: "Should there be a gaming curfew for kids?" All students are very passionate about this topic and are using a variety of persuasive devices such as, rhetorical questions, high modality words and emotive language to convince the reader.

Maths: We have moved on from our topic on money and we're now focusing on shape. Students have been identifying and classifying 3D objects based on their features and thinking about how 2D shapes relate to 3D objects. Students have been challenged to plan and design their own mini city, by creating 3D objects from nets to use when constructing their city.

Humanities: Our Civics & Citizenship sessions have been focused on understanding the difference between rules and laws, who makes them and how they apply to us.


All 3/4 students proudly represented OPS at Hooptime last week and showed great teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the day. We are so proud of all of them!


Book Week was a great success again this year! It was wonderful to see so many students get into the spirit of things by dressing up for our annual Book Week Parade, and to have so many grandparent's and special friends visit our classrooms. Thanks to everyone who came along!