Junior School

Prep AA  1/2PB  1/2NP


Hello families, 


I cannot believe we are more then half way through this term! 

The growth that has come this term is exciting to see, Our preps have started to use their independence and autonomy in class through starting reading and maths groups. We have started using writing checklists during our writing sessions and all preps have continued to develop their phonetic awareness when  reading and writing. 



Our year six buddies have loved helping our literacy and numeracy lessons through partner reading in the library and playing counting warm up games. Prep students have loved having responsibility in teaching our year six students numeracy warm up games that we have been using in class. 

We have loved to see both the year six children and preps grow in confidence when conversing with each other and enjoying one another's company. We are excited to see what the continued relationships bring towards the end of the year. 


Bambini four year old visits: 

The preps loved having our local kindergarten service come out for book week, we read our favourite big book "Thelma the unicorn" and then enjoyed teaching the kinders about fine motor activities throughout our room. We will begin going to Bambini as well to visit the three year old children and help foster pre-reading capabilities. 


Book week dress ups: 

Thank you all so much for participating in our book week dress up day, the children absolutely loved being able to show off their favourite characters. We also want to say a big thank you to all of the family members that were able to come and visit our learning environment and have a tour. It was wonderful to meet you all! 


Bullying No way day: 

We had an amazing day talking about kindness and what it means to care for one another at Officer Primary School. We enjoyed baking shortbread biscuits and decorating them and having a whole school picnic in the eating area! Well done Prep AA. 


-Miss A. 

1/2PB AND 1/2NP. 

We have had a super busy few weeks with lots of fun things happening!


In both reading and writing we wrote book reviews on different books that we were reading. Our goal was to persuade readers to want to read a book that we recommended to them. We have also been exploring rhyming words, remembering that when we are rhyming, we are only trying to match the sound at the end of words. 

In maths, we have been doing an incredible job at solving subtraction sums. We explored different strategies to solve sums and are now putting those learnt skills into action! Solving column subtraction sums has been an amazing skill to learn.

In humanities, we have been investigating how things have changed over time. Our favourite comparisons so far have been how toys and TV shows have changed from when the teachers were little to now.



There have been so many different school events during the last few weeks. 

We had our school Olympics day. Great work to Kenya for winning the gold! 

We had a huge bullying focus in week 5, ending the week with our Bullying No Way Day. We made cookie people and decorated paper chain people to match the theme of everyone belongs. We also wore purple to symbolise peace, strength and standing up against bullying. 

We also celebrated book week. We had our fantastic Book Parade on Tuesday the 20th of August. Everyone made such a huge effort to dress up and looked incredible in their character costumes. On the same day we celebrated our Grandparents and Special friends.


We have officially surpassed the halfway point! There are so many more fun things to look forward to.


Best wishes from the 1/2 team,


Nicole, Phoebe, Shannon, Jacqui, Jeanette and Carol