Year 4 Highlight
“Passion Project”
In Year 4, we have been engaged in our passion project, where we have been exploring the concept of stewardship within the Christian tradition. We are learning that our choices have a profound impact on our environment and can affect people in distant places. Through great discussion and research, we’ve identified several environmental issues, such as deforestation, pollution, and the overuse of natural resources. Our communication and teamwork have shone through as we apply the Christian understanding of stewardship to these current issues, reminding us that we are called to care for God's creation. By reflecting on our own actions, we are beginning to see the cause and effect of our choices on the environment. As part of our journey, we are planning actions that contribute to the lives of those affected by the misuse of the Earth's resources, aiming to make a positive difference both locally and globally. We are excited for you to see the students' work at the upcoming art show!