Around Our School

On fait des crêpes!

Last week a number of French classes and some of our international students made French crêpes. Using a clever French recipe which incorporated the butter into the mix, everyone succeeded in making two or three of their own, and most found them to be delicious. It was a fun and successful educational opportunity for all the students. Our sincere thanks go out to the Food Tech department who made this possible, and a special thanks to the French company who donated the excellent 'Bonne Maman' chocolate hazelnut spread for all the participating students. It was a hit!

Mr Chris Sutcliffe

French Teacher


Four Rounds to go before finals and Frankston league netball teams should be featuring in them all!


Our new mixed team (the Benchwarmers!) are making waves – beware!


Special thanks to Shannon Hutchinson for her masterclass in defence this week at Semper training. Go Frankston!


Term 3 Casual Dress Day 2024 | The Cerebral Palsy Alliance


I was one of 1 in 700 effected with cerebral palsy. Hi, I’m Marlie and I put forward the Cerebral Palsy Alliance foundation during SLC camp for one of the casual dress days earlier this year. The Cerebral Palsy Alliance means a lot to me as I was born with cerebral palsy. I am affected mildly on my left side of my body (called left hemiplegia). As I have dealt with the many struggles along the way, I have found my strength, as having an impairment isn’t a disability it’s a different ability. 


What is cerebral palsy you may ask? Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders that affect movement and muscle coordination, caused by brain damage or abnormal brain development, typically occurring before or during birth. It can affect a person’s fine motor and gross motor functions, resulting in muscle stiffness, weakness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. The severity and specific symptoms vary widely among individuals, and while there is no cure, physio, occupational therapists, and early intervention can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.


On 15 August 2024 Frankston High School held a Casual Dress Day where students made gold coin donations, had a bake sale on both the Senior and Junior campuses and ran a Dodgeball competition. All events throughout the Casual Dress Day contributed to not only raising $2100, but to bringing awareness of the work that the Cerebral Palsy Alliance do, and all the people effected in some way, whether it is one limb or all four from mild to excessive.


I am incredibly grateful that I got to help, baking over 200 sugar cookies for the bake sale with the Cerebral Palsy Alliance logo on each individual one, with the help of my mum and my close friend Brady. So, to speak it means a lot to us, however, we wanted to support the alliance and we wanted to advocate for the many others that may struggle more than I and bring awareness.


If you wanted to further learn about the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, you can search up


Marlie Uluinabou

Year 9 student and SLC


Spread the Love Donation Drive

The SLC Connectedness team's recent “Spread the Love” donation drive gathered over a hundred donations for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, equalling hundreds of dollars worth of honey, nutella, peanut butter and jam gathered for those in need. On Monday 29 July, the team delivered the proceeds of the drive and were fortunate enough to be given a tour of the Resource Hub and Food Bank by the passionate ASRC team. Many thanks to everyone across the Frankston High School community who so generously contributed to the donation drive!


SLC Connectedness Teams

Peer Support Reflection

This term I have really enjoyed participating in Peer Support. Peer Support has given me a chance to meet new people to work with in classes as well as running Year 7 Tutorial classes with them. So far this term we have run lessons based on resilience skills and strategies, and thinking skills. I think that not only the Year 7 are learning a lot, but also us as Peer Support Leaders. I have loved working with the Year 7 students, and I think I have learnt a lot of skills through this program. Overall, it is a great program and I have had lots of fun.


Devika Savani

Year 9 Peer Support Leader


The English faculty at Frankston High School have celebrated some fantastic reading that has happened in Years 7 and 8 early this term. Congratulations to Miss Dickinson’s 7L class and Mrs Burton’s 8A class, who collectively have read the most pages so far this year. Both classes received a morning tea to celebrate their efforts and achievement. 


Every page counts towards these rewards, do encourage your child to read for 10 minutes most days at home which may help their class win a pizza lunch at the end of the year.


Mrs Emily Johnson

Reading Program Coordinator