You can’t be what you can’t see, and Frankston High School students have been able to hear from and speak with alumni across numerous fields this term – from trades to engineering to hospitality to research and more.


A diverse group of alumni spent a double period with Year 10 Vocational Major students recently. They each shared their unique career journeys before spending some time with students in smaller groups allowing the opportunity for free-flowing questions and discussion; a rewarding experience all round.

The consistent message coming from the alumni was that it’s always important to be nice and respectful to everyone, it will serve you well; the network of connections you create over time will benefit you in ways you don’t necessarily expect. 

And at the end of the session, students were able to reflect on the fact that they can now see it’s possible to try different things as a way of finding what it is they enjoy doing; they also heard the message of how important it is to treat everyone respectfully.

Huge thanks to these alumni for giving their time for the benefit of current students:


Joshua Waldron, Greg Alexander, Katie Rabbidge, Josh Toy, Marcus McQuilkin
Joshua Waldron, Greg Alexander, Katie Rabbidge, Josh Toy, Marcus McQuilkin

Greg Alexander (Class of 2011), Site Manager

Katie Rabbidge (Class of 2012), Virtual Assistant

Joshua Waldron (Class of 2006), RME Technician

Josh Toy (Class of 2007), Pre-Construction Manager

Marcus McQuilkin (Class of 2014), General Manager




During Maths week, Year 9 Advanced Maths students were visited by three alumni working in careers where maths is particularly relevant and utilised towards practical outcomes on a daily basis.

Jason Angus, Callum Barnett & Yunus Celik
Jason Angus, Callum Barnett & Yunus Celik

Yunus Celik (Class of 2014) spoke about his work as a Senior Marketing Manager and his extensive use of data analysis;

Callum Barnett (Class of 2014) spoke about what is involved in being a structural engineer; and

Jason Angus (Class of 2019) discussed the career he is forging for himself with his degree of Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering in Automation.


A massive thanks to all three of them for sharing the benefit of their experience.



Alumni now working in the sciences were warmly welcomed back to school for Science week; they shared their own stories, informing and inspiring current students about the potential for careers in the sciences. Their afternoon of giving back impacted close to 700 students from Years 9-12 across three sessions. A massive thanks to:


Ilya Glinin, Jaimee Howlett, Jake Martin, Sam Ogier
Ilya Glinin, Jaimee Howlett, Jake Martin, Sam Ogier

Jake Martin (Class of 2010), Ecologist and Ecotoxicologist

Jaimee Howlett (Class of 2017), Exercise Physiologist

Sam Ogier (Class of 2016), Food Scientist 

Ilya Glinin (Class of 2019), Haematology Research Assistant



Thank you to all Frankston High School graduates who have already joined our alumni program and contributed back to their school in some way. 


For those alumni wanting to become part of the community, we invite you to get in touch by emailing or signing up via the website.


Please also follow us on Facebook and join our Alumni group on LinkedIn via links below.

Frankston High School Alumni Facebook page

Frankston High School Alumni LinkedIn group




Our School is a not-for-profit service, and the only service in Australia devoted solely to helping public high schools build supportive alumni communities. Why? Because alumni can be inspirational, relatable career role models for current students. To learn more about OurSchool, go to


Alumni can give back to their old school in so many ways that benefit current students; either via inspirational career pathway advice, industry insights, post Year 12 study insights, study tips and techniques, work experience opportunities, donations to assist with school programs and more. The opportunities for involvement are endless.


Ms Rhiannon Slatter

Alumni Program Coordinator