Dear Parents/Carers and Students 

It has been a productive Term 3 on the Senior Campus with a focus on careers and pathways as our Year 11 and 12 students start preparing for 2025 and beyond. Our Year 12 students are also focused and excited as they partake in their last full term of secondary studies before their VCAA examinations in Term 4. Included below is a snapshot of what has taken place on the Senior Campus and what to look forward to.

Looking ahead

Included below is a list of key days that could use useful for Year 11 and 12 families. 


Year 11 into 12 Course Confirmation and Year 10 into 11 Course Selection 

Over the last two weeks, our Year 10 and 11 students have engaged in one-on-one interviews with their parent/carer and a course counsellor. The discussions have been strengths-based focusing on their aspirations, interests and course prerequisites. From here, the 2025 programs and timetable will be constructed. Courses will be confirmed prior to Early Commencement in Term 4. 


A big thank you goes to our dedicated course counselling team, including Ms Brittany Harvey, Mr Paul Don, Mr Aaron Elias, Ms Paige Jessulat, Ms Rebecca Ginsberg, Mr Alex Trickovic, Ms Leah Hannas, Mrs Jess Bambridge, Ms Kelly Mitchell, Mrs Lauren Cara, Ms Kerryn Elrick, Ms Kate Burgess, Ms Kate Adriaan, Mrs Sarah Bahramis, Mr John Simon, Mr Cameron Heyes, Ms Meghan Wilson, Ms Sasha Fisher, Mr Steven Bonfadini, and Ms Emily Sykes. Special recognition goes to Mrs Jessica Bambridge for leading the careers and pathways initiatives, and to Ms Michaeli Lyon, one of our Careers Practitioner, for her support of the team and leadership with the Year 9 Morrisby.

Year 12 VTAC Course Applications 

During our Student Voice classes, their Year 12 Course Counselling with Mrs Sharon Bourne and in Year 12 assemblies we have been supporting students to create their VTAC account and submit their course preferences via the application system on VTAC. This is an exciting time for students but can be understandably overwhelming.  A range of support resources are available via Compass or the Frankston High School careers website.


An important reminder that the VTAC application fee is $60 for a timely application and must be paid by 5.00pm 30 September.  Remember we want students to apply well before this date.   It rises to $150 from 5.15pm 30 September.  Very late applications will cost $195 from 5.15pm 1 November. 


It is important to note that students can change their preferences up until 14 December (12.00pm) this year. There are a small number of courses which must be added to a preference list by the timely application closing date, 30 September (5.00pm), but most courses can be added up until 14 December (12.00pm) if students have met all of the essential requirements for any course they intend to add to their application. 


Thank you to Mrs Sharon Bourne for her support of the Year 12 cohort in planning their post school pathways. Her passion and experience is an asset to our school community and students. Thank you also to Mrs Michaeli Lyon, one of our Careers Practitioner, for her contributions to the Year 12 course counselling.

VTAC run webinars for students (and their families) to support students to navigate the application system. Please register for these webinars. Please note that this is the same information which has been provided previously on our Careers Newsletters. 


Date and Time 



Pathways - how to get to your chosen course 

5.30-6.30pm, Tuesday 

3 September 2024 

Register here All 2024 applicants 
Applying for courses in 2024 

5.30-6.30pm, Wednesday 11 

September 2024 

Register here All 2024 applicants 
Understanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarships 5.30-6.30pm, Tuesday 17 September 2024 Register here All 2024 applicants 
ATAR and Scaling 

5.30-6.30pm, Wednesday 

2 October 2024 

Register here All 2024 applicants 
Getting your results - what happens next? 

12.00-1.00pm, Tuesday 

10 December 2024 

Register here All 2024 applicants 
Preferences, pathways and offers 

12.00-1.00pm, Thursday

12 December 2024 

Register here All 2024 applicants

Revision Workshops 

At this time of year, it is worthwhile for our students studying a Unit 3 and 4 study to consider attending some revision workshops run by external providers. Our Frankston High School staff will run revision class, particularly during the Exam Revision week (Tuesday 22 October – Friday 25 October), however it can be of benefit to extend  and diversify their study practice by seeking further revision opportunities. Subject teachers will have recommendations of particular companies that students are encouraged to explore. 

Students are asked to double check their September Practice Exam schedule to avoid double bookings.

  • Access Education: This company offer a wide range of subjects that our students attend and have positive feedback to share. Students receive summary notes that are mailed to the school and then provided to students. We receive a discount for this company. Students can book in for these via Tina Thomas in the Senior Campus front office. Schedule can be viewed here: AccessEd_endyear4pp_web.pdf (
  • ATAR Notes: This company have a range of free and live online revision lectures. The revision schedule is not yet released. Students can create an account to be notified when we release they release the schedule - 2024 Lectures | ATAR Notes
  • Monash Virtual School offers free online revision workshops for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, General Maths, Methods, Specialist and Applied Computing: VCE Revision - Monash Virtual School
  • TSFX VCE Exam Revision Lectures offer online VCE revision lectures for a variety of subjects. The 2024 schedule is not yet released: VCE Exam Revision Lectures | TSFX

Year 12 September Holiday Practice Exams

Wednesday 25 September, Thursday 26 September, Monday 30 September, Tuesday 1 October, Wednesday 2 October, Thursday 3 October we host the Year 12 Compulsory September Practice Holiday Exams.


The holiday exams provide students with the opportunity to maximise their chances at success and ensure their Term 4 study addresses the areas of concerns identified from the exam feedback. 


Timetable accessible via Compass and below:

Central Australia Tour 

From 13 September through 27 September, 79 Year 11 students and staff ( Mrs Jodie Burton, Mr Alex Trickovic, Mr Jack Barbour, Ms Hannah Martin, Ms Em Blaak, Mr James Arshid, Ms Luisa Harrasser, Ms Lorelei Tildesley, Ms Veronique Lapierrre and Ms Leonie Argiriou) embark on the Central Australia Tour.


We hope you all enjoy a wonderful trip and make many found memories with your peers and Frankston High School staff. Thank you to this team of teachers for their work in preparing for the trip and a special thank you to Mrs Anne Thompson and Mrs Jodie Burton for their significant work in organising the trip!

Study, routine, balance and managing stress

Here are some important reminders as students begin to prepare for their final SACs for the year and end-of-year examinations.

  • Encourage positive sleep routines – teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep per night. They are encouraged to minimise sugary drinks and caffeine in the afternoon and before bed. A comfortably cool room temperature is also known to enhance sleep.
  • Remove distractions from the study environment – discourage phone use and TV background noise when studying (there are apps that can shut off phones for particular periods of time – such as during study time). Students are reminded that mobile phones are to be stored in their locked lockers once they enter the Senior Campus until the conclusion of the school day.
  • Encourage balance – this is important for protecting a young person’s wellbeing, this could include participation in a team sport, exercise or a hobby.
  • Monitor their Compass profile by checking attendance and learning tasks, contact teachers or the Sub School if you notice they’re falling behind and need support (there is a strong correlation with attendance and academic performance).
  • Encourage positive study routines – it’s difficult to put a definite number on it as it can vary based on individual factors (learning styles, their academic program and goals), as a general guide 10 – 15 hours per week (highlighting study and homework are two different things). Students are encouraged to maximise their study periods at school. Students should be at school for their Period 0 unless this class has been cancelled and then they are to be at school from 9am until their final class. Students can access teacher support from the allocated study spaces of the Presentation (collaborative) Space and the Margaret Mace (silent/independent) Study Centre. 
  • Encourage seeking help – we are here to help, remind your child that it is okay to seek help from their teachers, careers, wellbeing or the Senior School Team.

Via this link, you’ll find some tips from ReachOut Australia for the audience of Year 12 parents/carers. 

Ms Tiffany Greenhill

Campus Principal