This term, we have been working with our coordinators to work on our European Handball Tournament for the Year 7 students at lunchtime. We also have been having morning meetings every second week to focus on what has been happening throughout the term. We are launching our 100 centenary year art competition this assembly where everyone can enter an art piece for any media of art, and they need to include the centenary year logo. Charlotte, Harry, Oscar and Lucy
In previous newsletter articles we have already informed you on what we have been up to. So, in this article we are going to discuss all our new exciting ideas that we are working on to implement this semester. We are currently working on ideas for Bullying No Way week and have decided to create a presentation to share with our cohort. As well as this, we are working on what to put in Frankston High School’s 100 years' time capsule and other exciting ideas. We will be hosting more assemblies and activities this year and will keep giving Year 8 resources that they may need.  Layla, Rica, Willow and Harlee
For the past few weeks, have been working on a few things. Firstly, we have focused on anti-bullying week and creating badges to aid in the awareness of the event. We plan to create posters that can be posted on social media and around the school. Recently we hosted a Year 9 assembly and also did a thank you speech in a Science Week alumni assembly, which was educational. We are very excited to work on action against bullying and violence week and we hope that our cohort will enjoy it.  
Ruby, Archie, Diti and Charlotte
Over the past five weeks we have been working towards improving our cohort’s connection to our school. We started this process by discussing different fun activities we could introduce at lunch time to create better sense of community within our year level and have a bit of fun. The first dodgeball game happened on Monday 19 August, and we hope to have more activities like this in the coming months. Action Against Bullying and Violence week took place from 12-16 August. To acknowledge this, we spoke at assembly about the damage bullying has on, not only the victim, but the perpetrator. We also provided some useful tips on how to help stop bullying at our school. Going forward, we hope to continue to make school a more safe and enjoyable place for Year 10 students, and we hope they look out for any more fun activities coming their way. Ahmed, Sophie, Joash and Felicity
So far as captains this term, the Year 11 team has worked towards fulfilling multiple goals. Although it has only been a few short weeks, we have continued our work from last term in a strong manner. Just last week, we finished our preparations for Action against Bullying & Violence week, including promotional posters. We also created a PowerPoint filled with information surrounding the topic of bullying, as well as ways to seek help and support if you have ever suffered from bullying. Furthermore, we opened up the Action against Bullying & Violence week with a pop-up display inside the Senior School Presentation Space during lunch. In the future, we will continue to word hard towards completing as many goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year, in the aim to leave not just a legacy on Year 11, but the whole of Frankston High School for years to come. Callum, Blake and Lucas
This year, we have been focused on making students’ voices heard through the Student Forum. A systematic approach to seeking out proper Student Voice in important action areas around the school, including Uniform Policy, Study Periods, Teaching Strategies and Accessibility to Equipment and Facilities. We would also like to thank the Student Voice and Agency SLC team for their assistance. During 'Action Against Bullying Week,' we organised activities across the Year 12 cohort to raise awareness and encourage everyone to stand against bullying, fostering a more inclusive school environment with inclusivity and individuality. As part of celebrating Frankston High School's centenary, we are excited to announce we are working on a time capsule project that will preserve memories and messages for future generations. It has been an honour to lead these initiatives, and we are excited to keep making a positive impact together! Molly, Molly, Jude and Amy