
Mr Paul Boswel House Leader

Delphinus House Shines in Term 3


Delphinus House has exemplified the spirit of excellence, participation, and community at St John's this term. Our Year 9 students enthusiastically participated in the College Café program, showcasing their skills and teamwork. Their involvement fostered camaraderie and reinforced the values of hard work and service.



In the world of performing arts, we witnessed an incredible achievement as College Captain Royce D'Mello led the cast of Shrek: The Musical in the title role. Royce's performance was nothing short of spectacular, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to him, Ms. Aldis, and the entire cast and crew who worked tirelessly to bring this production to life. The musical's success is a testament to their talent, commitment, and collaboration.



Our academic stars also shone brightly, with numerous Delphinus students receiving Semester 1 academic awards and Stella star recognition. These awards highlight our students' dedication to their studies and the co-curricular activities that enrich our college community. 


I congratulate 

Christeena Goreeka Yr 7 Premiers Reading Challenge

Mia Parker Yr 8  

Christa Biju Yr 8  

Fay Pacheco Yr 8  

Shaneisha Chellapen Yr9 Bronze Star   

Christabel Gomes Yr9  

Kiannah Haggett Yr9  Bronze Star 

Alvin Sem Yr10 

Kiara Lay Yr 11 - DE2 Gold Star & Monash Scholars Program and 

Gabriel McDonald Yr12  Bronze Star

Their efforts continue to set a high standard for academic and personal achievement.


At the end of Term 2, we also saw another successful run of the DE Karaoke fundraiser, which was organised by our Delphinus leaders in the Lecture Theatre. This popular event, held as part of our MAD Day fundraising initiatives, was a great success thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of all the students who participated. We deeply appreciate the support of everyone involved, as it helped raise funds for the Lasallian and Presentation foundations while bringing joy and entertainment to our community.


Finally, I would like to congratulate our Delphinus staff members who have been recognised for their outstanding contributions to St John's. Ms Francesca DeFrancesco was honoured for 20 years of exceptional service to the college, a milestone that reflects her commitment to education and our community. Additionally, Delphinus 3 learning mentor, Mr. Joseph Sirianni, received the prestigious Margaret Bellesini Award for excellence in teaching. His dedication to supporting Delphinus students and his classroom professionalism make him a deserving recipient of this accolade.



We are incredibly proud of all our Delphinus members—students, staff, and leaders alike. Your accomplishments and contributions inspire and uplift the entire St John's community. Well done to everyone!


Mr. Boswell Delphinus House Leader