Principal Report

Mr Tim Hogan

Happy Father's Day!

As we gather this weekend to honour the fathers in our lives, we pause to offer a special prayer of gratitude for their love, guidance, and sacrifices. May this prayer resonate with all those who play the vital role of a father, whether by birth, by choice, or by circumstance.


Fathers in Our Lives

We give our thanks, Creator God, for the fathers in our lives.


Fatherhood does not come with a manual, and reality teaches us that some fathers excel while others fail. We ask for Your blessings for them all and forgiveness where it is needed.

This Father's Day, we remember the many sacrifices fathers make for their children and families and the ways—both big and small—they inspire children to achieve dreams thought beyond reach.


So, we remember all those who helped fill the void when fathers passed early or were absent: grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, pastors and coaches, and the women of our families.


For those who are fathers, we ask for wisdom and humility in the face of the task of parenting. Give them the strength to do well by their children and by You.

In Your Holy name, O God, we pray.



2024 NEAA Student Conference at St Rita's College, Brisbane

Last week, students from St John's attended the NEAA Conference at St. Rita's College, Brisbane. The event offered opportunities to connect with other Presentation schools that live out the Charism inspired by Venerable Nano Nagle. Our Year 10 students Zoe Butler, Alexis Jackson, Phoebe Castillo, and Lily Hughes enjoyed meeting other students, learning about First Nations culture, and engaging in workshops on zero-waste living. I thank Mr. Farrelly, Ms. Fraraccio, and our students for representing our school on this memorable occasion.


For a detailed report, see the full article by students and Mr. Farrelly in this newsletter.


Staff & School Advisory Council Dinner – August 14 

We recently celebrated our Annual School Advisory Council and Staff Dinner, a highlight in our school calendar at the Southern Golf Club. The evening was filled with joy, gratitude, and reflection as we honoured the dedication of our long-serving staff and the legacy of our founders, St. John Baptiste De La Salle and Venerable Nano Nagle.


We welcomed special guests Brother Tony Cummins, Sr Judy Bellisini, and Sr Michele Keenan, representing our Lasallian and Presentation heritage. Their presence was a wonderful reminder of the rich legacy that inspires our community. Sr Judy Bellisini graciously presented the Sr. Margaret Bellesini Award on behalf of her sister, recognising a staff member who upholds the values of these two wonderful charisms.


Our School Advisory Council members, including Chair Tony Biviano and parent representative Ms. Nicole Gleeson, were also acknowledged for their invaluable guidance and commitment to our school's future.


A highlight of the evening was honouring our Long Service Awardees:

10 Years of Service: Bruce Topham

20 Years of Service: Derick Williams, Francesca DeFrancesco and Priya Cardinaletti

30 Years of Service: Janine Misso

40 Years of Service: Sonia McNally


These milestones reflect our staff's dedication, commitment, and resilience, who have played a crucial role in our school's success over many years.



Sr. Margaret Bellesini Award

Mr. Joe Sirianni was honoured with the Sr. Margaret Bellesini Award at the School Advisory Council and Staff Dinner. Named after the Presentation Sister who dedicatedly led St. John's Middle School in its early years, this award celebrates a staff member who exemplifies the Core Values of the De La Salle Brothers and Presentation Sisters. I congratulate Mr. Sirianni for his steadfast commitment to these values throughout his years in our community.


I also sincerely thank Mr. Rhynehart and Ms. Phillips for organising such a wonderful celebration, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


Staff Spirituality Day

Last Friday, our staff gathered at the Don Bosco Retreat Centre for a Staff Spirituality Day centred around this year's theme, "Together We Are One." Facilitated by Ange Virgona, the day emphasised the Purpose of Catholic Schooling, the values and beliefs of our school charism, and personal spiritual reflection.


Formation sessions like these are essential in Catholic schools, providing staff with the spiritual grounding to guide our students beyond academic achievements. These days remind us of the responsibility we hold in shaping not just minds but also hearts and spirits. By reinforcing our connection to faith, we are better equipped to nurture that same connection in our students, ensuring that the education we provide is holistic and deeply rooted in our Catholic identity.


I extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Rhynehart for organising a day that was both enriching and insightful, reaffirming the importance of our mission.



Ms. Janine Misso will be on Long Service leave for the next five weeks and will be replaced by Ms. Michele Trusler. Welcome back, Michele.


Humanities Week at St. John's Regional College.

This year's Humanities Week, held from August 19 to August 23, was an outstanding celebration of learning and engagement. The week was packed with activities that showcased our students' creativity, critical thinking, and public speaking skills.


Highlights of the Week:

Legal Mock Trial: One of the standout events was the Legal Mock Trial conducted by Mr. Swan and his senior legal students. Students engaged in a dramatic courtroom simulation, deliberating on a manslaughter case. The event was educational and enthralling, with students bringing the courtroom to life with their persuasive arguments and attention to legal detail.



Year 8 Great Debate: The week culminated in an electrifying debate on the pressing vaping issue. Presented by the Year 8 STEP classes, the debate was adjudicated by local MP Gabrielle Williams. The students displayed exceptional debating skills, tackling the topic's complexities with poise and conviction. Special thanks go to Mr Dias for organising this successful event.



Overall, Humanities Week was a great success, filled with activities that fostered a deeper interest and understanding of this essential learning area. A big thank you to Mr. O'Connell, the Leader of Humanities, and his team for creating a memorable week that engaged our students in their learning.


Book Week

Following Humanities Week, our Book Week celebration was held under the theme "Reading is Magic!" Students fully embraced the joy of reading and participated enthusiastically in various activities throughout the week.


Tuesday: Mr. Bernard Calleo, an illustrator, engaged Years 7-9 in the CLC with a fascinating session on the art of illustration, sparking interest and creativity among the students.



Wednesday: Students were inspired by writer Mr. Toomey during his visit to the CLC, where they explored the theme "What's on the other side of the Fence?" through insightful discussions.



Thursday: The Book Face Challenge Exhibition was a highlight in the CLC, with students eagerly participating and winning prizes during lunchtime.



Friday: The week concluded on a high note with a lively Disney Trivia session in the CLC and a vibrant Fashion Parade at SPAC. Both were enjoyed by all, and plenty of prizes were awarded.



Book Week was a celebration of fun and creativity and a reminder of the importance of reading in nurturing the imagination, enhancing language skills, and broadening our understanding of the world. The week's events reinforced the magical power of books to transport us to new places and perspectives, a lesson that will stay with our students as they continue their educational journey. I thank English & Languages leader Mr Toomey and the staff for preparing and implementing a magical week.