General Reminders

General Points of Information for Parents


4pm Bell

Any students that are still waiting on school grounds to be picked up MUST come to the Office when the 4pm bell goes. The Office will attempt to contact parents, but if we can't get in touch, the children will go to after-school care to wait for their parent/guardian as the Office closes at 4pm. Parents must have a TeamKids account, and will be charged accordingly.

Student Early Departures

There will be no student early pickups between 3pm and 3.30pm without an appointment card from a medical centre (Doctor, Dentist, Optometrist etc.), except in special circumstances. Special circumstances must be approved by the Principal in advance. If possible, please book appointments outside school hours as early pick ups are very disruptive to the students in your child's class.


Parents must first come to the Office with their photo ID, then children will be called to the Office.


It is a legal requirement for all parents or guardians coming to pick up children from the Office to show original photo ID, e.g. Drivers Licence, Passport or Proof of Age Card.​


If you are not picking up your own children, we will need to call the child’s parents to confirm, unless we have been notified prior to the pickup, as well as see a photo ID. Please take this into account if you are picking children up for an appointment.

No Parking in Staff Car Parks

There should be NO parents parking in any of the staff car parks at ANY time before or after school. This includes dropping off or picking up students for Out of School Hours Care. 


We would also like to remind our students and families that they ARE NOT allowed to walk through the Staff Car Park at any time either.


Parents are also asked NOT to park on the nature strips of the houses around the school.

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Safe Around Schools

A timely reminder to the school community about the importance of safe and legal parking around schools during school drop off and pick up times.


Parents must not:

  • Drop off or pick up in No Stopping areas.
  • Park on a nature strip.
  • Drop off or pick up while double parked or waiting in traffic.
  • Leave their cars parked/unattended in a No Parking zone.
  • Wait in No Parking zones for longer than 2 minutes.

We especially want to remind parents that No Parking zones outside schools are for quick drop off and pick up. Parents who need to leave their cars need to find legal parking somewhere else.


A tip for parents using the No Parking zones during the afternoon pick up times. 

Arrive a couple of minutes after the school bell to ensure your child is at the zone ready to be picked up.  Do not sit and wait in the No Parking zone for longer than the legal 2-minute period.


Illegal parking around schools puts children and other pedestrians at risk of serious injury. Parking Compliance Officers enforce all parking restrictions around schools and cars parked illegally may receive parking infringements.

Children & Pets in Cars

We would like to remind families that it is illegal and dangerous to leave children, or pets, in the car unattended at any time.

Working With Children Cards

All parent helpers attending school excursions will need to have provided a copy of their Working with Children card to the Office before they can attend an excursion.

Dismissal of Students

All students will be dismissed through the external doors of their classrooms.


Please organise a meeting place for your child/ren if they are in classrooms at the opposite end of the school. It is not possible for the Office to do announcements for 900 families to help children find each other.


Any children directed to the Office, if their parents are running late, will be directed to wait outside the Front Office doors. Staff are on duty until 3.45pm.