
SELAMAT HARI MERDEKA (Happy Independence Day)
Indonesia celebrated 79 years of Independence from Dutch colonial rule on the 17th August. It is now a thriving democracy and one of our closest neighbours. Bali is still the No.1 overseas destination for Australian travellers and we also have close relations in trade, defence and education. Over the last 2 weeks classes have been celebrating Indonesia through art, music, games, stories and even cooking. A big ‘Terima kasih’ to staff and students who were open to trying new activities with an Indonesian connection.
If you want to try something at home, here is a simple recipe for :
Indonesian Fried Rice- Nasi Goreng. (All ingredients are available in our local supermarkets)
Nasi Goreng in 5 easy steps...
1. Collect 1 cup of dry rice and place in a large saucepan with 3 cups of water, bring to the boil and then turn down to simmering until rice is cooked , approximately 15 minutes. Drain and set aside.
2. Now collect in a small bowl, 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of kecap manis (a sweet soy sauce), leave on your bench.
3. Collect 1 egg and 1 tbsp oil. Heat oil in your stove top frypan and heat on medium heat, add the egg and swirl around with a spatula until cooked Remove from the frypan and place in a bowl.
4. Grate ½ carrot, chop 2 spring spring onions, then collect ½ cup of frozen peas and add to a medium bowl.
5. In electric frypan, turn heat to 5 add 2 tablespoons of oil and add all vegetables and add kecap manis as needed, then add cooked rice, stir and serve.
PS: You can add ‘sambal’ chilli paste to spice it up.
Angela Molinaro