Primary Year 3-6

What a fabulous week we have had!! Book Week dominated our activities along with the Yr 6 Business stalls. Both events were full of excitement, fun and lots of learning.
Thank you to all of our families for their support with Book Week, especially the fabulous parade last Friday. There were so many happy faces and we could soon find out which books were our favourites.
The Decorated Door competition really brought out the interior designers amongst the classes and along with the Spelling Bee, Writing and colouring competitions and Library Scavenger hunts, we had a great week.
All competition winners will be announced this week.
The Year 6 students organised, co-ordinated and ran a wonderful three days of business stalls and activities. They had spent the first 6 weeks of the term preparing their business plans and putting their plans into order.
The money raised from the stalls will go towards providing seats in the playground for all children to use.
Well done Yr 6 - what a fabulous way to put your learning into action.
A huge thank you to all of our parents, Mrs Holt and Kate G for their support and to Mrs Grant and Mr Falls for leading the way.
Father’s/Special Persons Day Breakfast and Stall
This Friday August 30th we will be celebrating our Dads and father figures with a BBQ breakfast starting from 7.30am. Invitations have been sent home to all families for catering purposes. Please contact the College office if you have not received the invitation. We look forward to gathering together on Friday morning.
The Parents and Friends will be running the annual Fathers Day Stall on the same day from 9am. Gifts range from $1-$15. We are asking that each child bring along a bag to take home their gifts as it is not as easy anymore for the P&F to provide a bag for every child.
Thank you to our amazing P&F for all their hard work to make the stall possible.
Swimming Program
Years 3 and 4 finished their swimming program last week. Every week, the children are ready and organised for swimming. They continued to demonstrate their good manners and listened very well to the instructors. Well done Yr 3 and 4!! Yrs 5 and 6 will commence an intensive 2 week swimming program next week.
Wheelie Wednesday
We continue with our Wheelie Wednesdays this week. It is Year 4’s turn this week so we are looking forward to seeing lots of wheels this Wednesday!
Please see the dates below to mark in your dairy:
Friday August 30th -Father’s /Special Person’s Day Breakfast,
Friday September 13th - Feast Day celebrations
Friday September 20th - Footy Colours Day
Thank you for your support and participation in your child’s learning.
Have a great week
Catherine Evans