Photo Catch Up:

We recently had a T-Rex visit WHS:
Ex-student Charlotte Brown is now a Junior Triathalon World Campion.
Last week was Tongan Language Week - we were proud to fly the Tongan Flag for this special week.
Mack’s woodwork creation made at collaboration time.
At right, we have Eva in the bright white dress, Koea in the beautiful blue dress, and Hriday in his cool blue jacket.
Whiskers Netball Team Photos - very cool!
Report from Ihaka and Kataraina's Mum:
ihaka and Kataraina went to a Mitey kids event at Mediaworks a couple of weeks ago.
They got to have a tour around the radio stations and meet the radio hosts from The Rock, The Edge and Mai FM among others.
They were asked to draw some pictures of things that make them happy and then they made up a billboard to raise awareness of mental health in kids and the Mighty Kids program in schools. The billboard Is apparently up now in various places. They took lots of pictures and video throughout the event so I imagine there will be a video come out on their social media pages soon.
Ihaka did draw a little picture too which I was so proud of but it wasn't one of the selected drawings for the billboard.
Kataraina drew two pictures, one of herself and then a swimming pool with her swimming in it and a heart etc.. The other one was a random drawing of a boy and a girl playing with bold, big sunshine in the background.
I have attached the billboard photo and a photo of locations of billboards around Auckland 😊 and a couple of photos I took of the kids in the studios
We always have an extensive range of 'found' clothing waiting to be collected by their rightful owners.
Next time you are at school, please check out the clothes and claim any that belong to your children. Thanks.
To close off the photo update page - one of my favourite photos from the Paris Olympics. Brilliant composition and timing!