Eucalyptus House

Hello everyone, my name is Zinat A and I am proud to serve as the SRC member for Eucalyptus House in Year 8. It has been a wonderful journey so far, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on Eucy and the school community.
As a member of the Eucalyptus SRC, I am committed to improving communication among students and promoting inclusivity. My goal is to organise engaging events, support student initiatives and work on practical solutions for common concerns.
In the second week of this term, we organised a delightful pizza lunch as a gesture of appreciation for all the participants in the House Choral Competition. I would like to extend my gratitude to all the SRC members and the dedicated staff who worked hard to make the pizza lunch a success.
I am thrilled to introduce our new House leader, Mrs Victoria McLure. Mrs McLure brings a wealth of experience and a passion for independence. She is an avid enthusiast of netball and horse riding, and I am sure that her leadership will inspire us all.
This term, we are also encouraging the Year 8 students to participate in the swimming programme. It's a great opportunity for them to improve their swimming skills, stay active and have fun. Engaging in such programmes not only promotes physical well-being but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among our Year 8 students. Let's make the most of this term and encourage everyone to participate in the swimming programme!
For the last week of Term 3 and the start of Term 4, we will be focusing on our charity, raising funds for Backpacks 4 Kids. Your support in these fundraising efforts is greatly appreciated as we aim to sell icy poles, cookies and other exciting treats yet to be decided.
On a different note, I am very excited to announce that Culture Day will be taking place on the 16th of September. I look forward to seeing everyone dressed in their beautiful cultural attire, representing their countries, languages and traditions with pride. Culture Day is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate the rich diversity within our school community.
I am looking forward to working together with each and every one of you to make our school an even better place. If you have any suggestions, ideas or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Let's make this academic year memorable and impactful for all!
Zinat A
Year 8 SRC
Meet the Eucalyptus House Leadership Team!