Banksia House

Hi, my name is Lily, the SRC in Year 8 Banksia. As an SRC, I find that being able to speak for my classmates and involve their ideas in events and activities is the most enjoyable aspect of the role.
Another thing I enjoy about being an SRC is connecting with people across different Houses and year levels, and being able to speak my mind while also being inspired by the year levels above me.
As we draw closer to the end of Term 3, so far this term Banksia has been selling lollipops for the fundraising event, which will be donated to our chosen House charity. Banksia has also held a House Uno competition, inviting students across the year levels in Banksia to participate and win a special prize. The Uno competition was competitive, with rivalry and friendly banter. Many Banksian students from Year 8 and 9 participated in the competition during lunchtime.
During this term, both Year 7s and 8s went to Dandenong Oasis for their fun swimming lessons, teaching and helping these students to be aware of what to do when in danger and what to do if they see someone in danger. These swimming lessons were engaging and fun!
As we come closer to the end of the year, Banksian SRCs will be planning more entertaining and exciting events and competitions soon!
Lily J
Year 8 SRC
Meet the Banksia House Leadership Team!