School News

Japanese Study Tour 2025 (expression of interest)
Earlier this term, you will have noticed students and staff from our sister-school, Sakuyakonohana High School in Osaka, Japan, visiting our school. This was their first visit since 2019 and was instrumental in rekindling ties with our sister school, as well as building positive new relationships. Our visitors thoroughly enjoyed the experience, benefiting greatly from the opportunity to enhance their English language skills and learn about Australian life.
In September, a group of 17 Dandenong High School students and 3 staff leave to visit Japan as part of a study tour, which is a life changing experience to immerse themselves in Japanese language, life and culture. We will run this study tour again in 2025. Therefore, we are calling for expressions of interest from students who are interested in travelling to Japan and visiting our sister school.
If you are interested in participating in the Japan study tour in 2025, please complete this Google Form by the end of Term 3.
We will hold an information session about the trip in Term 4.
Mr Dewar
Associate Principal
Why School Attendance Matters
Regular school attendance is crucial for students' academic success and overall development. Consistent attendance not only ensures that students are up-to-date with their studies but also fosters social skills, discipline, and a sense of responsibility.
Benefits of High Attendance
Academic Achievement: Students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well academically. Studies show that there is a direct correlation between attendance and academic performance. For instance, students with high attendance are more likely to achieve better results and exam scores
Career Success: Employers value reliability and responsibility. Students who develop a habit of regular attendance are more likely to carry this trait into their professional lives, increasing their ability to gain and maintain employment
Year 12 completion: High attendance rates are associated with greater likelihood of successfully completing Year 12. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to be up to date with their learning and meet the requirements of Year 12 studies
Social Development: Regular attendance helps students build strong relationships with their peers and teachers. It enhances their social skills, which are essential for personal and professional success later in life
Research on Attendance Benefits
Academic Performance: Students who attend school 95% or more of the time are more likely to perform at or above their grade level
Graduation Rates: Research highlights that students who attend school regularly in the early years of high school (Year 5-9) are 50% more likely to finish Year 12
Employment Prospects: A study by the University of Chicago found that chronic absenteeism in high school is a strong predictor of poor attendance in the workplace later in life
How can Parents help?
Set a Routine: Establish a consistent daily routine that includes a set bedtime and wake-up time to ensure your child gets adequate sleep and is ready for school
Communicate the Importance: Discuss the importance of attendance with your child, emphasising how it impacts their learning and future success
Monitor Attendance: Keep track of your child’s attendance and promptly address any patterns of absenteeism, by contacting the House Leadership Team to discuss how we can work together
Stay Engaged: Maintain regular communication with your child’s teachers and school staff to stay informed about their progress and any potential issues
How students can help themselves
Plan Ahead: Prepare for school the night before by organising your backpack, get out your uniform, and ensuring you have all necessary learning materials
Set Goals: Set personal attendance goals and track your progress. Reward yourself for meeting these goals to stay motivated
Stay Healthy: Maintain good health by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly to reduce the chances of illness
Seek Help When Needed: If you are struggling with schoolwork or facing personal challenges, reach out to teachers, House Leadership Team, Wellbeing Team or family members for support
Why School Attendance Matters
School attendance is a vital component of educational success and personal development. By understanding its importance and taking proactive steps to improve attendance, parents and students can work together to ensure a brighter future. Let’s make every minute and every school day count!
2024 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting the annual Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement, and we encourage and appreciate your participation.
Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online from Wednesday 31st July to Friday 30th August 2024 and all families are invited to participate in the survey.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents/caregivers/guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Links will be provided on the school website for families requiring translation guides.
Please speak to your child’s House Leadership Team if you would like more information.