Grade 5/6 News
Welcome to Week 6!
It’s hard to believe we are now past the halfway mark of this term.
We have had lots of exciting events recently with highlights for many being the excursion to see the Galen production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
This week we have our St. Bernard’s Feast Day, Book Week Day and AFL 9’s carnival!
We also have a few more events coming up in the 5/6 area, so mark these in your diary!
STEAM Projects
The 5/6 students have started planning for a new STEAM project!
Their projects will require them to demonstrate the skills they have learnt in STEAM (Electronic circuits, cardboard cutting, attaching cardboard, cardboard mechanisms, levers and slider), as well as their learning from our throughline topic, ‘Electricity’.
Projects will be presented to our parent community on the last day of term at 9.10am - we hope you can make it!
Life Relationships Evening
You are invited to the Grade 5/6 Life Relationships parent/caregiver student evening on Thursday the 19th of September at 5.30pm in our school hall.
Your child will bring home a note this week with further information.
Grade 5/6 Camp
Please ensure you have returned your child’s permission note with medical details and additional information.
This information supports us with our preparation for camp which is well and truly underway.