
On 30 August 2024, ‘Wear It Purple Day’ will unite LGBTQIA+ youth and allies to shine a glorious light on the thousands of schools, community organisations, universities, and workplaces that are coming together to create a more inclusive future for all Australians. By wearing purple, Australians demonstrate to rainbow young people that they are celebrated and respected, acknowledging all have the right to be proud of who they are and who they are becoming. Originally founded by students in response to global stories of teenagers taking their own lives due to bullying and harassment, Wear it Purple Day has become an international movement of love and support
Awareness – We provide support and resources for Schools, Universities, Gender & Sexuality Alliances (GSA’s) and Youth Organisations to assist them in creating inclusive experiences for rainbow young people. We act as a source of resources to support the effective delivery of Wear It Purple Day in Schools, Universities, Workplaces and the broader community.
Opportunity - We provide meaningful opportunities for rainbow young people to develop their skills, expand their network and contribute to the inclusivity of their communities.
Environment – We provide supportive & safe spaces (digital and physical) and contribute to a world where young rainbow people feel proud of who they are.
Collaboration – We collaborate and unite with other organisations to further the inclusion of rainbow young people. Through partnerships, we support the effective delivery of Wear It Purple Day in Schools, Universities, Workplaces and the broader community
- Advocate for and empower rainbow young people
- Celebrate and promote the value of diversity and inclusion in all community setting
- Raise awareness about sexuality, sex and gender identity and challenge harmful social cultures
- Champion rainbow role-models to help young people establish the confidence to be who they are.
Youth Affairs Council Victoria
Calling all young people aged 16-25 who are interested in gaining valuable skills to become (or continue to be) effective advocates and leaders! The Empower Youth Day will be an opportunity to connect with other young leaders to expand your networks and learn more about yourself and your potential. Across the day, we will be covering the following four topics:
- Effective networking;
- Using your personality to your advantage;
- Learning from failure; and
- Constructive conversations
All workshops will be interactive and use your experiences as the key learning points, so enthusiasm is a must!
WHO: Up to 50 spots available for young people aged 16-25. We are committed to making a safe space for all young people, with special consideration of diverse identities and needs.
WHAT: A day focused on building skills to become an effective leader, and connect with others
WHEN: Monday 23rd September 2024, 9:45am - 4pm
WHERE: Community Hub at the Dock
WHY: To celebrate Victoria's Youth Fest and empower young people to take the skills back into their communities and have their voice heard!
If you live more than 50km outside of Melbourne CBD, the Y can cover public transport costs, just let us know below!
To be a part of this exciting opportunity, register now at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mmjtoaeyLUqZuNpXBTopcHUElmwR54hBhuf6HP0S0r5UMzdIRjFCVlcwSkdTVlo5NkY2MFhZUUFVOC4u
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Y's Youth Voice Coordinator, Tessa, at tessa.buchanan@ymca.org.au
Expressions of interest close September 1, we will be in touch in the week following!
On Wednesday 14th August, Aidan Phelan from the Pat Cronin Foundation visited the College to deliver presentations to our Year 9, 10 and 12 students on violence prevention. This is Pat's story:
Pat will always be 19 years old. He will never have another birthday, or play another footy game, or finish studying health science and physiotherapy under the scholarship he was awarded.
Pat went out on Saturday 16 April, 2016 for a few quiet drinks with mates after playing his first senior football match alongside his big brother. He wasn’t a fighter, it just wasn’t his scene. But when a brawl started to build outside the pub, being the loyal and caring mate he was, Pat stepped in to pull a friend away. It was then that Pat was punched in the head from behind. He stayed on his feet, checking all his mates were ok, but soon after he started to develop symptoms, had a seizure and was taken to hospital unconscious.
Two days later, his parents made the agonising decision to turn off his life support.
A quietly spoken, gentle natured young man with a fierce determination, Pat deeply loved his family and friends. His death has left a gaping hole in the Cronin family’s lives and caused devastation among his friends and the broader community. If this can happen to them, it can happen to anyone. Pat isn’t here to take care of his mates anymore, but we are.
The Pat Cronin Foundation provides an optimistic voice and empowering approach to awareness, education and research—working with schools, clubs, community groups and young people to End the Coward Punch. They are here to honour Pat's life by helping young Australians make wise decisions so we can end the senseless violence that devastates families and communities.
How can ParentZone Support you
At ParentZone we offer all carers and parents a space to develop and strengthen their parenting skills while creating positive changes in their family. We provide free parenting groups, workshops, resources, and training to all parents and caregivers across the Gippsland region. Our skilled and experienced facilitators tailor education programs to enhance your family. This is done by using evidence informed frameworks such as Parents Building Solutions, Breaking the Cycle, Small talk and many more.
ParentZone programs support all ages and stages, from newborns to teenagers. Our programs address the challenges faced by parents including family violence and development milestones. For more information or to discuss our programs please contact us on:
parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.auP: (03) 5135 9555
(suitable for parents/caregivers of teens aged 12-18)
Throughout this session, parents will gain a better understanding as to why challenging behaviours occur and learn strategies to deal with them. Parents will look at how to communicate better and explore ways to stay connected with their child.
When: Wednesday 28/08/2024
Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Where: ZOOM
To Register Click the link or scan the code https://forms.office.com/r/gZjqD8ksbm
This session will support parents with strategies to help their children bounce back from adversity. Parents will learn how to support their child to cope with change and deal with anger and anxiety. Explore ways to improve communication and meet other parents also wanting to raise resilient children.
When: Wednesday 11/09/2024
Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Where: ZOOM
To Register Click the link or scan the code https://forms.office.com/r/gZjqD8ksbm
This session looks at exploring strategies to respond calmly to your child’s feelings and big emotions without escalating situations. We explore how to be connected to our emotions in order to connect to our children’s.
When: Thursday 12/09/2024
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Where: ZOOM
To Register Click the link or scan the code https://forms.office.com/r/gZjqD8ksbm