Brigidine News

Welcome back to Term 3 to all our St Joseph's College students, staff and families. We hope you had a restful and rejuvenating holiday break and are excited for what is already shaping up to be another busy term! 


It's been great to see our Year 10 cohort return from a valuable week of work experience and hear stories about their placements. Work experience provides a fantastic opportunity for students to get a taste for the real world, make connections in the community and explore potential career paths that may be of interest to them. By all accounts students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we look forward to continuing to support them on their path to finding fulfilling careers.


As our Year 12 students enter this crucial period, we encourage them to dig deep and show their commitment and dedication to their studies. Hard work and determination will set the foundation for success in the final stretch of their school journey.


Our Year 9-11 students are exploring career options, surveying subject selections and communicating with subject teachers and the Careers team. This is a very important time to discuss options for every individual and think about your dreams and aspirations. 


During Learning Mentor last week, students had the opportunity to reflect on their Semester One reports and worked with their Learning Mentor teachers to map out goals for the remainder of the year. We encourage students to discuss these goals with their parents and subject teachers at the upcoming Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews.


Over the holiday break the Front Office underwent a refurbishment, which has created a bright open-plan space. We look forward to welcoming visitors and guests to our College.


It’s hard to believe it's already the 207th day of the year. Spring feels like it’s just around the corner and we hope our students are settled back into daily school routine and looking forward to Semester Two, filled with opportunities to grow and learn.



Shari Gotch

Brigidine Campus Director