Principal's Report 

It's been a wonderful start to Term 3. Our Year 10 students have returned from work experience enthusiastically and ready for their subject selections, our Year 11 and 12 students are well into their Semester 2 subjects and our 7-9 students are settling back in smoothly. 


This week has been a busy week of events with our subject information evening, the parent information night for our new Arts and Sports Academies and we also hosted the VTAC and Careers Expo for families and surrounding schools  - just to name a few!


In other exciting news our students are performing at the Winter Blues Festival this weekend for the first time! We wish them well and thank them for leaning in to this space. This week we have also had the pleasure of hosting Sr Frazana; a Presentation Nun from Pakistan. Sr Frazana has presented to some classes about faith and hope and also about the life of Nano Nagle and we are very grateful to have her here with us.


We have been in discussion for some time about the potential benefits of changing our Learning Mentor schedule. In 2025 we are going to trial moving our LM session to after period one instead of at the beginning of the day. This will not change our school commencement time but rather provide students with the opportunity to start the day with an academic lesson when their minds are fresh and to increase attendance rates at LM to ensure all students are receiving the important school information they need to thrive throughout the day. It is also hoped that this change will improve our overall punctuality to school.


On Tuesday we held our mid-year Academic Excellence Assembly where we celebrated student achievement. Many parents and carers were also able to share this experience with us and it was great to shine a light on our students who consistently perform well in their academic studies. Success is often about the choices we make and all students have the opportunity to make different choices this term to positively influence their academic success. I encourage families to discuss these goals with your young adults.


Let's strive for excellence in all we do. 

“But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, and in all eagerness and in the love from us that is in you—make sure that you excel in this act of kindness too.” (2 Corinthians 8:7)



Anne Marie Cairns
