Year 4 Term 3 Overviews

Nǐ hǎo (hello) Year 4 Families,
Womenjeka (Welcome) back to school for Term 3! The Year 4 students have transitioned respectfully by showing great resilience skills by settling back into learning routines quickly.
This term we will continue our specialist focus areas which are: PE, Mandarin and Visual Arts.
During Literacy this term, we will immerse ourselves in Poetry writing and Information Report writing and we will continue to develop our understanding within both fiction and non-fiction texts, and as well, endeavour to build your child’s vocabulary.
This term in Reading, we will continue investigating fiction and non-fiction texts and their purposes, sub genres, text structures and text features. We will use a variety of texts to allow your child ample opportunities to compare and contrast the themes and big ideas within a text. This will build on your child's ability to analyse why authors make specific choices and the effect this has on the reader. Through regular modelling and practise of comprehension strategies such as summarising, inferring, synthesising and critiquing, students will gain a deeper understanding of the texts they are reading. Within reading lessons, we will develop our understanding of how texts are structured and the effect this has on the reader, identifying the purpose and audience of these texts and also analysing how the author includes language and text features to keep us interested in the text.
This term in writing, Year 4 students will be exploring how to write poetry and information reports as we continue to develop our knowledge around the 6+1 writing traits, with a particular focus on Ideas, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Organisation. Students will discover the text structure to help support the creation of their own information reports through the plan, draft, edit, revise and publish stage. There will be a constant focus on conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation) and presentation throughout this term. Each week, students will continue to engage in SMART Spelling as well as handwriting practice to help improve their understanding of spelling patterns and letter formation as we continue to give out pen licences.
Year 4 students will continue to make connections to maths in their everyday lives across all learning areas this term, with a focus on problem solving where students can use a range of problem solving strategies. We will continue with our Big Ideas of Multiplicative Thinking as a focus this term. Through this, students will be continuously developing a bank of multiplication solving strategies in order to improve their multiplication fluency. We will also be exploring common fractions and how they can be connected to decimals. This will develop their knowledge in understanding that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Following this, we will investigate strategies for calculating the duration of time for a given event across am and pm, and effective methods for accurate calculation of time. Students will explore maps, and how different coordinate systems work to interpret basic information in different types of maps.
Our SEL program consists of the PATHS program, Berry Street, Respectful Relationships and teaching to your child’s social and emotional needs as they arise. We will continue to explore what makes a good learning partner, the wheel of choice and control signals (which provide strategies to settle disagreements), and how to uphold the school expectations of striving for excellence, respect and being safe, as well as the school values (teamwork, integrity, respect, kindness, learning). We will also be teaching students about stress by developing their understanding of what stress is, their own individual stress triggers, and different strategies for managing stress. Above all, students will focus on the concepts of resilience and perseverance and develop strategies to de-escalate. We will begin exploring the concept of gender stereotypes in our everyday life.
This term, Inquiry is a fantastic time for all students to become critical thinkers and develop character. Year 4 students will be exploring Geography and the driving question is, Indigenous Communities have sustainable practices. Through this inquiry, the students will research and explore Indigenous communities around the world, indigenous connection to land and way of life, sustainable practices of nomadic communities and how this can be useful to society and our community today and the future. Through student voice and agency, students will develop a plan as to how to take action in supporting these environments.
Ways to Help Your Child At Home:
Home Reading - We have started our Home Reading program. The expectation is for your child to read their take home book 5 nights a week, answer some comprehension questions that a family member asks them and record the title, date and a comment in the green reading journal themselves. Take home books are for enjoyment and for your child to practise their reading strategies, and are not meant to be a challenging task for your child. In addition to the Home Reading program, Wushka and Reading Eggs are extremely valuable resources to help your child practise their reading.
Learning Goals - Your child’s individualised learning goals are listed on Compass (starting at the end of Week 5). There is a reading goal, a maths goal, a writing goal and an Inquiry or SEL (social and emotional learning) goal for your child. Please read these and support your child by going through the suggested strategies to help at home. These goals are changed every five weeks (twice a term), and you will also be informed of your child’s achievement of these goals.
We look forward to continuing working and building relationships with both you and your child this year. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. After school is best for a quick chat, otherwise send your child’s teacher an email to set up an appointment time for a longer chat.
Xièxiè (Thank you) from the Grade 4 Teachers,Year 4 Team