MandarinTerm 3 Overviews

Year Level | Term 3 |
Prep | They can match characters to the meanings and sounds of familiar words, including numbers (八…), colours (红…) and family members (爸爸, 妈妈). Students use strategies such as imitation and basic contextual cues for comprehension. Students differentiate between the Pinyin and characters associated with familiar objects in their immediate environment |
Grade 1 | The focus of this term is numbers 1-20 in Mandarin. Students will learn how to use numbers in their daily lives, especially months and days of the week. They will learn how to tell people in a sentence which month their birthday is in and what day it falls on. Students will make a Chinese calendar of a month in Mandarin. They will explore some lucky numbers and the cultural meanings behind them. Students will also continue to use pinyin as a tool when learning the sounds of the spoken language. |
Grade 2 | students use spoken and written Chinese to communicate with teachers and peers. They recognise the tonal nature of Chinese and know that characters are formed by strokes. They can match characters to the meanings and sounds of familiar words, such as family members (爸爸, 妈妈). . Students respond to short predictable imaginative and informative texts, expressing simple likes and dislikes (喜欢, 不喜欢). Students use strategies such as imitation and basic contextual cues for comprehension. They are aware of the word order of simple sentences. Students differentiate between the Pinyin and characters associated with familiar objects in their immediate environment. They recognise the similarities and differences between Chinese and Australian contexts, language and culture. |
Grade 3 | In Term 3, Grade 3 students are exploring how to ask others about how they physically feel (你還好嗎?/ 你怎麼了?) as well as to express some symptoms of common illnesses, using different adjectives such as 痛 (painful) , 酸 (sore), 痒 (itchy), or 晕 (dizzy). In this unit, students learn to use both simple "noun+adjective" and "subject+verb" sentences. Students will continue to learn to speak Chinese by using Pinyin. They will also be exposed to knowledge of Chinese radicals so they can read and write Chinese characters effectively. |
Grade 4 | In term 4, students are learning to discussing hobbies and sports is a common and enjoyable topic in conversations in Chinese. Therefore when talking about hobbies, students can share activities that bring them joy and relaxation. This can range from creative pursuits to physical activities. And also, by using these phrases and vocabulary, students can effectively share hobbies and weekend activities in conversations, making them more engaging and informative in learning Chinese. |
Grade 5 | In term 3, Grade 5 students are learning to order and dining at a restaurant, it is important to know how to order food, understand the menu, and be aware of dining etiquette, which varies between cultures.Students learn how to order food and asking for ingredient in their dishes they ordered. Students will also learn how to express food allergy, it is vital to communicate this clearly. For example, you might say, "I am allergic to peanuts" in Chinese "我对花生过敏,我对海鲜过敏。" Throughout the term students learns to order food and dining in a restaurant, knowing basic phrases and food vocabulary, understanding cultural dining etiquette, and being able to communicate food allergies are all important. This knowledge helps ensure a respectful and enjoyable dining experience. |
Grade 6 | In term 3, Grade 6 students are learning to buy and shop in different settings. Therefore when shopping, students are learning to learn the useful phrases such as "How much is ____?" to find out the price of an item, and to say "I am looking for ____" when searching for something specific. You can ask "Where is ____?" to get directions within the store, and inquire "Which one is cheap?" to compare prices and find the best deal. Throughout the term students learn to confirming the price with "Is this the correct price?" ensures that there are no surprises at the checkout. Students are exposes to different and interactive learning to help and support to learn these phrases help navigate shopping experiences more effectively and confidently. |
Year 7 | In term 3, Year 7 students will learn to tell time in Mandarin, including minutes, hours, and seconds, and practice asking and answering questions about the day and date. They will become familiar with both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats and use time-related vocabulary to describe their daily routines and schedules. Additionally, students will use phrases such as "like" (喜欢) and "feel like" (想) to talk about their daily activities. The term will include interactive activities, role-playing, listening exercises, and cultural insights into how time is viewed in Chinese culture. |
Year 8 | In term 3, Year 8 students will expand their Mandarin vocabulary related to food, including food measurement terms and currency. They will engage in dialogues about buying groceries and asking for prices, and they will learn vocabulary for drinks and desserts. Students will practice ordering food in a Chinese restaurant and will learn to cook a traditional Chinese dish. The term will culminate in a culture week, where students will explore various aspects of Chinese culinary traditions. Through interactive activities, role-playing, and practical exercises, students will enhance their language skills and cultural understanding, enabling them to confidently navigate food-related scenarios in Mandarin. |
Year 9 | In term 3, Year 9 students will learn vocablary and sentence structures around converstations related to the location and postion of items. They will learn how to describe where objects are located in various settings, such as in home settings, to discuss the arrangement of furniture, appliances, and personal belongings; Emergency Situations: Providing information about the location of first aid kits and exits. These scenarios help students practice and apply their language skills in real-world contexts, enhancing their overall communicative competence. The curriculum will include activities like dialogues, role-playing, and practical exercises that enhance their ability to ask and answer questions about the placement of items. Students will also engage in reflective practices to develop their metacognitive skills, helping them understand their learning process and improve their language proficiency. |