
Student of the Week Award Winners - Week 11
Principal's Award
Student of the Week Awards - Week 1
FMM- Allie C
FA - Orion LS & Benji B
1/2S - Poppy H
1/2T - Lucas T
1/2K - Oscar B
3/4J - Basil S-A
3/4L - Freddie T
3/4B - Theo C
5/6K - Amelia D
5/6J- Aadiyaa M
Happy Birthday for the holidays and Week 1 to ...
Alice W, Goldie W, Tilda I, Ollie M, Oscar B, Beatrix C, Elliot L, Jerome O, Ria P, Claude D, Harvey M, Alia A, Julius F, Jia S, Matt F, Oscar P, Taaj McC, Louis A and Callum T!
NAIDOC activities- Keep the fire burning
3/4L loved creating this collaborative artwork project to celebrate NAIDOC week. We discussed the importance of symbols, colours and patterns in Indigenous Art to create our piece.
Year 1/2 learnt about campfire/yarning circles.
Yarning circles are opportunities to learn from each other, share knowledge and build respect.
The students created blue banded bees for our Indigenous garden.
Chess Education
Year 5/6 have started their 8 week Chess Education program as part of the curriculum with Nick Speck from Chess-Ed.
This week the 5/6's have been exploring perimeter and area through investigations.