Message from the Principal Team

Week 1 Term 3
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to Term 3, everyone! We hope you all had a refreshing break and are ready for an exciting and productive term ahead. This term promises to be filled with engaging learning opportunities, new challenges, and rewarding experiences for all our students. Our dedicated teachers and staff have been hard at work planning activities and lessons including Year 3/4 Camp, Athletics Carnival Years 3-6 and our Art Show in Week 9.
We look forward to your continued support and involvement in our vibrant school community. Let’s make this term a memorable and successful one!
Mural on the Accessible Toilet Block Update
Our stunning mural was completed over the school holidays. Melanie and Rick have done a fabulous job and the students have really connected with our juvenile magpie and crested pigeon. As part of the Art Show later this term we will be running a competition with the students to name our feathered friends. We have also invited Melanie to judge one of our categories at the Art Show.
Parent Carer Interviews Next Week
Parent/Carer Interviews have been set for Monday 22 July and Tuesday 23 July. These interviews provide parents and carers with the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with their teacher, including their child’s next steps of learning.
NAIDOC Week Celebration Day
Yesterday we celebrated NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week 2024 was last week during the school holidays.
Our students participated in workshops with their class teachers that unpack the NAIDOC Week Theme "Keep the fire burning, Blak, loud and proud." The workshops included creating blue banded bees that will be planted in our Indigenous Garden and be incorporated for our indigenous plant labels.
"Keep the Fire Burning" symbolises the enduring and rich traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures:
- The fire represents the cultural heritage and deep connection to Country - alive, warm and vital.
- "Blak", a reclaimed spelling of Black, emphasises pride in identity.
- "Loud and Proud" calls for the celebration of the culture.
Speaker Craig Holloway - Yorta Yorta Nation Postponed to Tuesday 23 July
Unfortunately, our speaker, Craig Holloway -Yorta Yorta Nation was unable to attend yesterday. However, we look forward to welcoming him to CNPS next week on Tuesday 23 July.
Curriculum Day (Student Free Day) Next Wednesday 24 July
We have a scheduled Curriculum Day (Student Free Day) next Wednesday 24 July. On this day, our teaching and education support staff will review our assessment and data collection practices across the school and examine how we document adjustments that we make for individual students within our planning documentation.
Team Kids will be offering childcare on this day. Please contact them directly if you require access to this care.