Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to our July Aussie of the Month Alyce Curran.
Aussie of the Month is awarded to a student each month that demonstrates the qualities of fairness, mateship, respect and inclusion.
Alyce is a remarkable student who consistently demonstrates our school values in all her actions. Her strong leadership qualities shine through in group activities, where she guides her peers with kindness and confidence. She takes great pride in her work and has excelled in all areas of the curriculum, including being a member of our extension program. Alyce loves to ask questions and delve into her top character strength – love of learning – to further extend her understanding of almost anything we cover.
Alyce is not only a dedicated learner but also a fantastic classmate, always willing to lend a helping hand and support others. Her positive attitude and exemplary behaviour make her a valued member of our class. Alyce consistently speaks kindly and respectfully to others, and her presence is calming to those around her. She faces every problem head on with such a mature mindset and puts others before herself always. Alyce begins every day with a beaming smile on her face that lights up the room no matter what and we are beyond lucky to have her in 3B.
Alyce, thank you for being such an asset to our school. GRPS is very lucky to have you and cannot wait to watch you continue to evolve.
At GRPS we believe it is important to acknowledge students that are actively contributing to our community in a positive way and are consistently demonstrating our school values of respect, responsibility and being a learner.
A little bit about our AUSSIE
Who is your inspiration?
My family (Mum & Dad)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Primary School Teacher
What is your favourite subject to learn about?
Maths & Art
If someone is ever mean on purpose to you, what is your quick comeback?
Chill out!
What would you do in playground if you saw someone upset?
Go and ask them if they are okay and invite them to play what I am playing.