Deputy News

“A true friend accepts who you are, but also helps you become 

who you should be.” – Unknown 

Dear Parents and Families, 

Spring is in the air and the excitement of the Olympic games over the past few weeks has certainly kept us awake late at night or up watching  early in the mornings. How proud we are of our fellow Australian athletes. We are equally as proud of our Sacred Heart students in the classroom and in the playground. A highlight was our Olympics Gala day last Friday where we celebrated all together as a school in our House groups. Watching the students interact across year levels and with their buddies warmed my heart. A huge thankyou to Simon B and the year 6 students for running the day. 





The sun was shining, the countries were represented and the house groups were set and the year 6's were running the show! Our Olympics opening ceremony set the tone for a beautiful Olympics celebration. As the students rotated around a variety of activities in and outside the classroom it was  a pleasure to witness how harmoniously they all interacted. Whether it was outside on the Pickle ball court or racing over the hurdles or inside dancing to Just dance, all students looked out for one another. The older students suppported the younger students. It was great see our buddy program and cross age interactions in full flight. 


Buddy systems aren’t just beneficial for the younger students, they help older students understand how important they are, as an individual, within their school context. Big buddies can see who they are and how they think/act/behave contributes to school culture. Buddies might play games together, read together, do sports days together, regardless of the activity, the benefit is in the familiarity and friendship that is forged between the little buddy and their big buddy! It is so special to see. 





Our community kinder program fosters this sense of community as well. Our Year 4 students regularly visit our friends at Nagle kinder just down the road to support them during their inside and outside afternoon programs and to become more familiar with the older students.  It is particularly beneficial for the Nagle students who will be coming to Sacred Heart next year as they become familiar with a few friendly faces. It was lovely to see our kinder friends this week as they were practising their evacuation plan. This program extends into the following year where the Year 5 students will be the prep buddies. The relationship between our buddies in the school is so very special. These friendships often last many years as students go through our school. 




A friendly reminder to all students to remember to wear the correct Winter uniform each day with the correct shoes. PE gear and runners are only to be worn on sports days. Hair should be tied up if it is below the shoulders and correct ribbons and hair ties in red, navy or white are to be worn.  No nailpolish and earrings should be studs or sleepers only. A reminder to name all outer pieces of clothing as many are being peeled off and going missing as the weather gets warmer. Lost property is located inside the building in the corridor in a big black trolley. 


We hope you have all enjoyed a well earned mid term break today and a rest as there has been some tired and unwell students in our community. We hope as the weather starts to get warmer we are all back at school happy and healthy ready to finish off our term, 



Brigid Pennington 

Deputy Principal & Learning Diversity Leader