IB Learner Profile Attributes

Find out more about what it means to be a learner in an IB World School....

The Year Five Team: Caring

This week, our Year Five Team share with us how they represent the learner profile attribute Caring.

Our very caring Year Five Team; Louise Ryan, Josh D'Souza, Adrian Jones and Emma Wasson
Our very caring Year Five Team; Louise Ryan, Josh D'Souza, Adrian Jones and Emma Wasson


Year Five Team definition: 


Caring means showing kindness and concern for others. It involves understanding and responding to their needs and feelings with compassion and empathy. Caring can include helping with tasks, offering emotional support, or just being there for someone. It is essential for building trust, connection, and respect in relationships and communities.


Our Year Five team had a big focus on the Learning Profile Attribute of being Caring. We spent time writing notes to all the staff at Essendon North Primary School recognising and thanking them how they care for us, picked up rubbish around school, and had a meaningful lesson with our Foundation buddies about being bucket fillers.  


I speak towards myself with kindness, consider the rights and feelings of others, and take care of the world around me. - Lou Ryan

I consider the perspectives of others to ensure everyone feels safe, valued and connected. - Adrian Jones 

I make sure all of the people in my life feel valued. - Josh D'Souza 

I listen to my friends and support their decisions. - Emma Wasson


Student responses:

“Checking in on friends” - Hamish, 5AJ

“Helping someone if they’re hurt” - Astin, 5AJ

“Using your manners” – Nathan, 5LR

“Checking in on a friend, asking if they’re okay, or there’s anything I can help with” - Valentina, 5LR

“Cleaning up our environment, like classroom or the yard to make sure everything is tidy and safe” - Michael, 5LR

Stay tuned over the coming newsletters for more teams showing you how they represent the learner profile attributes!