Foundation Learning Community

The Foundation children have had a fabulous start to Term 3. We loved hearing all about their adventures over the holidays. 


In English, some children have begun learning about digraphs (two letters making one sound). While some children are consolidating their learning of the alphabet sounds. We appreciate your support with listening to your child practice their home reader each night this is proving to be very valuable for their learning!


In Mathematics, we have been learning all about Mass and Capacity. The children have enjoyed weighing different objects in our classroom and filling containers with sand!


This term for Geography, we are learning about special places and how we care for them. Yesterday, your child would have brought home a worksheet about a special holiday they have been on or a holiday they would like to go on. Please assist your child to fill this in by Thursday 1st  August for them to share with the class. 


The children have been excited to learn about the Olympics through Art, our text-based unit, and in sport. We recently measured 400m on the school oval and watched Cathy Freeman run this distance in 49 seconds!! The children then predicted how quickly they thought they could run this distance and then they all gave it their very best go. We believe we might have some future olympians in our class!


Next Wednesday 31st July, we will celebrate 100 days of school! We are all very excited for a day full of activities based around the number 100. We would love to see the children dress up like they are 100 years old. There is no need to buy something new anything you have at home will work.